Kommentaarid artiklile https://www.eesti.ca/eastern-europe-should-not-be-tempted-by-paranoia/article23165
Eastern Europe should not be tempted by paranoia
25 Mar 2009 EWR Online

Edward Lucas

Was it all a conspiracy? It is not the first time in east European history that the question has been asked. Wicked western manipulators were a staple of communist-era propaganda. Before that, anti-Semitic politicians used to blame Jews (and Freemasons) for manipulating the destiny of other countries.
illuminati 26 Mar 2009
Mr. Lucas, as Central and Eastern Europe correspondent for the 'The Economist' certainly doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him.

The Economist has had representation at Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and the Council of Foreign Realtions meetings, all key 'one world' (= zionist) policy building organizations in the west.

Thus Mr. Lucas does a good job for his zionist masters of obfusicating the conspiracy kernel in this article ... are we really surprised ?

In his book, "The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the West," Mr. Lucas sees the conspiracy behind the Moscow apartment building bombings which raised Putin to prestige and 'justified' power in 1998, but he quickly dismisses any 9/11 conspiracy in the revival of the presidency of George W. Bush.

As one who has been a spokesperson for Eastern Europe via The Economist, his closing paragraph is truly pathetic.
"As so often with market downturns, the pain and unfairness now seem intolerable. It may perhaps be some consolation that the gloomiest and most ignorant outsiders are those most likely to lose out."
Here he intellectually aligns with the financial elite, supposedly applying some salve for the downtrodden taxpayer who are paying the bills for his masters, (undoubedly he hopes a little spillage for himself).
edward lucas 27 Mar 2009
I have been called a lot of things in my time but "zionist puppet" is new. Thanks for livening up my day
illuminati 27 Mar 2009
My apology Mr. Lucas, fellow traveller may have been more apt.
But there are no counterpoints on the remainder of the comment ?
to: illuminati 27 Mar 2009
This is just precious!
Illuminati, aka Maxim de la Trine, fires off an ungrammatical rant and then, expects Lucas, an informed, rational journalist to engage in a point by point discussion of it.
casual observer 28 Mar 2009
Eduard Kucas sure pushed the wrong button this time.
But how could he possibly know that our community embarrassment fervently believes in every conspiracy theory?
to casual obsever 28 Mar 2009
"Our community embarrassment"???
Oh, how delicate!
Let's try something with a bit of definition. How about, "village idiot"?
more definition req'd 29 Mar 2009
I propose, "malicious village idiot".
pole vist 29 Mar 2009
No. "Illuminati" can't be Maxim -- the absence of mangled metaphors and blatant grammatical errors in his or her post makes it clear that Maxim is not the only loose wingnut out there in EE kommentaari land.

In fact, there appears to have been a rather lengthy hiatus between Maxim comments. Who knows, maybe he got a life or something?
scary future 29 Mar 2009
total iq of the last 5 postsers ~70