Metsaülikooli tegevus toimub Kotkajärve kauni looduse keskel - metsas, järve ääres, paadisillal, lõkke- ja metsaplatsidel vabameelses õhkkonnas. Ööbimine on telkides. Mõningaid kohti leidub ka Kotkajärve hoonetes. Toitlustamise ja sauna eest hoolitseb MÜ pererahvas. Vajaduse korral töötab lasteaed 4-10 aastastele.

Kotkajärve Metsaülikooli korraldavad vabatahtlikud.


Kotkajärve Metsaülikooli ajaloost

Kotkajärve Metsaülikooli (MÜ) loomise alguseks võib lugeda 1966. aasta sügist, kui Torontos tegutsevate noorteorganisatsioonide ühisnõupidamisel otsustati pakkuda ülikooliealistele Põhja-Ameerika noortele võimalust jätkata oma teadmiste täiendamist eesti ja eestlusega seotud valdkondades. Leiti, et pärast Toronto Eesti Seltsi Täienduskooli lõpetamist, skautide-gaidide tegevuse läbimist, pole eesti päritolu noortel piisavalt võimalusi hoida sidet kodumaaga.

Ühiselt töötati välja metsaülikooli tegevuse põhialused, millede järgi tegutsetakse siiani:

1) MÜ tunnustab eesti rahvast kui füüsilist ja kultuurilist tervikut, olenemata sellest, kus või millistes tingimustes üks või teine osa meie rahvast asub.

2) MÜ on apoliitiline organisatsioon objektiivse teabe levitamiseks eesti kultuuri, teaduse, poliitika ja ühiskondlike küsimuste alal, tehes seda võimalikult akadeemilisel tasemel.

3) MÜ on endastmõistetavalt ja ilma surveta eestikeelne ning eestimeelne.


Metsaülikooli programm

MÜ tegevust koordineerib juhatus, kelle peamiseks ülesandeks on MÜ programmide koostamine ja aastatega tekkinud varade, arhiivi, filmide ja helisalvestuste kogu hooldamine. Kõik huvilised on alati oodatud MÜ korraldamisele kaasa lööma. MÜ juhatus on lisaks suvelaagrile organiseerinud mitmesuguseid kultuuriüritusi, kus järjest rohkem osaleb ka Kodu-Eesti kultuuritegelasi.

Päeva põhiosas toimuvad loengud eesti kirjanduse, kunsti, teaduse, muusika, ajaloo, poliitika, majanduse ja kodukultuuri valdkondadest.
Õppejõududeks on MÜ läbi aegade kutsunud Ameerika mandril elavaid Eesti teadlasi ja lektoreid, kes vastavad MÜ kavale ja tasemele. On huvitav märkida, et peale Eesti iseseisvumist on järjest enam kutsutud MÜ-sse esinema Kodu-Eestist pärit huvitavaid inimesi, teadlasi ning oma ala meistreid. 90. aastatest alates on MÜ-l olnud au kuulata ettekandeid nimekatelt kodu-eestlaselt nagu Mikk Mikiver, Tunne Kelam, Arvo Valton, Rene Eespere, Fred Jüssi, Anu Raud, Elmo ja Anne Nüganen, Alar Sikk. Nende sõnavõtud on kirjeldanud Eesti poliitilist arengut, andnud ülevaadet spordist, muusikast, teatrist või kirjandusest.
Rõhutatuim õppeala Metsaülikoolis on eesti keel. Lisaks eesti kõnekeelele ja eestikeelsetele loengutele toimuvad igal hommikul keeletunnid - nn. eesti keele- ja kõnerühmad, kuhu metsaüliõpilased jagunevad oma võimete, keeletaseme ja huvialade (kirjandus, ajakirjandus, luule, vestlusringid, kõnekeel jmt.) järgi.
Päeva pinge leevendamiseks toimuvad õhtupoolikutel huviringide tegevused. Huviringideks on olnud rahvatants, kunst, näitlemine, laul, loodusvaatlus, sport, eesti käsitöö. Huviringides on läbi aegade ehitatud eesti kandleid, tehtud ehis-sepistööd, voolitud puulusikaid, kääritatud meemõdu, tehtud leiba ja kaerakilet, valmistatud pastlaid, toimetatud ajalehte, vändatud videofilme jne.
Metsaülikooli ametlikule programmile lisandub õhtune omavaheline suhtlemine vabas õhkkonnas, lõkke- , filmi – ja saunaõhtud. Nädal möödub sõbralikus ja kultuurses eesti õhkkonnas.


Rahvuslik osatähtsus

Metsaülikooli ühiskondlikku ja rahvuslikku osatähtsust hinnates tuleb märkida, et see ületab tublisti asutamisel tehtud oletused. Kuigi Kanadas ja siinse organiseeriva tegelaskonnaga, on MÜ loonud tihedaima koostöö Kanada ja Ühendriikide eestlaskonna vahel. Nii võib öelda, et MÜ-lastest on kujunenud ühine eesti kultuurikogudus, kelle paljud liikmed on rakendust leidnud nii Eestis kui Eesti ühiskonnas väljaspool kodumaad.
MÜ on kujundanud võimaluse eesti teadlastele ja kultuurihuvilistele noortele tihedamateks omavahelisteks kohtumisteks, kus arutatakse eesti asja ja algatatakse uusi mõtteid. Teadlastel on lektoritena tekkinud laiem ja positiivselt mõjuv side eesti noortega.

Rahvusvaheliselt oli Kotkajärve Metsaülikool eeskujuks samalaadsete õppeasutuste tekkimiseks mujal. MÜA - Metsaülikool Austraalias startis jaanuaris 1972. Soomes a. 1974 peetud MÜ pani seemne METROO - Metsaülikool Rootsis tekkimisele jaanuaris 1977. Eestis toimus esimene Kääriku Metsaülikool 1989. aastal.

Kotkajärvele on MÜ esmajoones andnud teatud rahvuskultuurikeskuse maine. Sellele lisaks on antud materiaalset abi loenguruumi ja kohviku sisustamiseks ning tantsulava ehitamiseks, viimasel ajal ka rahalist toetust.

Osavõtjaile on MÜ andnud rahvuslikku äratust ja palju objektiivset informatsiooni eesti kultuuri alalt. MÜ' s on tekkinud tutvusi ja sõprussidemeid nende eestlaste vahel, kes muidu vaevalt oleksid kohtunud. Mõnel juhul on see viinud eesti perekondade asutamiseni. Kui mõned organisatsioonid elavad oma aja ära ja kaotavad muutunud oludes oma mõtte, siis MÜ vajadus näib aastatega suurenevat.




Metsaülikool (MÜ) was established 37 years ago in August 1967 to provide a venue for post-secondary education in Estonian language and culture. At that time opportunities for continuing this kind of education beyond “gymnasium” (Estonian high school) for Estonian youths living in North America was not readily available, and this was worrisome. MÜ’s aim was to fill this void by providing a week long immersion program in Estonian which would combine lectures and tutorials in language, literature, music, art, history, politics, economics and culture. This was interspersed with sports, leisure activities, interest groups and of course partying - all in an idyllic setting.

Madis Org at the Podium, MÜ 2003 Photo. Vaado Sarapuu

A great deal has happened in 37 years, the most significant being that Estonia has regained its independence. This alone has created access to high quality education for anyone seriously interested in pursuing Estonian studies, by living in Estonia and attending University there. As well, the establishment of the Estonian Chair at the University of Toronto has provided easier access to Estonian studies right here in North America. Another major change has been the assimilation of North American Estonians into Canadian and American societies. Many of our most gifted people have become unbelievably successful and their careers and lifestyles have taken them in directions that do not include the Estonian community. Others have chosen to pursue their dreams in Estonia, and those who have successfully made the transition have established their lives and families there. University students need summer jobs to help pay for increasingly expensive tuition fees, and a week of Estonian immersion, no matter how idyllic the setting, is not in the cards. Over the years M.Ü. has become a continuing education experience for a more senior population whose interests and language skills are not necessarily the same as those of the young.

The big school bell at Kotkajärve. Photo: Vaado Sarapuu.

The question then arises whether there still is a need for MÜ? The optimists amongst us believe that the answer is affirmative, because despite everything, our Estonian roots still tug at our conscience, and we have a need to explore how that fits in with our psyche. More practical matters also need to be looked at, such as, what opportunities would an Estonian passport afford us in the European Union. So where should we go to discover answers to these questions? Estonia would certainly be the most logical place, but time and money become deterrents. After the age of sixteen we can only go to Jöekääru and Seedrioru as counselors, and the programs offered there are not designed to stimulate and challenge the adult intellect. If we live in Toronto, we could attend courses offered at U of T. Metsaülikool also becomes a wonderful alternative if it offers a setting and topics which interest us. However, many preconceived ideas have developed around Kotkajärve MÜ which is causing people of all ages to hesitate about attending. This article is designed to address some of these issues and separate myth from fact.

Myth: MÜ’s accommodations are primitive.
Fact: Kotkajärve is not a resort hotel. The most common abode is a tent. However alternatives exist. Various scout and guide organizations have barracks available that will provide primarily segregated accommodations for singles. You must bring your own sleeping bag. Cottage owners if approached, may be happy to lend or rent their cottages for the week. This would be ideal for those with small children. MÜ’s committee members can certainly make enquiries upon request. The 4 star Divine Lake Resort is a five minute drive away. Port Sydney and Huntsville are within a twenty minutes drive, and provide a wide variety of accommodations. If these are your preferences, it would be wise to make reservations reasonably early because August is still high season in the Muskokas. Toilet and washing facilities are certainly primitive. Outhouses are provided. They are thoroughly cleaned and deodorized before MÜ begins, and stay as clean as the people who use them. Disinfectant soap and towelettes are provided for washing hands and wiping toilet seats. The sauna is heated every evening, and an hour spent in there followed by a dip in the lake should get you squeaky clean.

Myth: The woods are full of mosquitoes, bears, and other critters that go bump in the night.
Fact:The mosquito population is greatly reduced due to the cooler evenings in August. However, it is always wise to have some protection along when camping. The only “critters” you are likely to encounter in the middle of the night are your fellow compatriots, or their dogs.

Myth: It is impossible to sleep because of the noise from the all-night parties.
Fact: Traditionally the “party animals” always congregate at the same designated campsite, and are extremely civilized. There are several camping areas which are a reasonable distance away from the revelers where you can peacefully catch 40 winks before the sun rises if that is your wish.

Myth: The nights are cold.
Fact: August nights can get quite chilly. It is a good idea to come prepared with a warm jacket, hat and gloves, and a really warm sleeping bag or a couple of extra thick blankets. For those of us who are self-proclaimed wimps, a tent heater is a wonderful asset. Having said all that, this coming August will most likely be unusually warm, and we will all swelter in the heat. Time to jump into the lake!

Myth: The food is blah.
Fact: If you have attended that last couple of big parties at the Estonian House i.e. the Estonian Credit Union’s 50th anniversary bash and Volbriöö, and enjoyed the food, get ready for some of the same fare. The caterers are the same people. However, to ensure that MÜ does not run out of food, we require that you register at least a week before the start of MÜ.

Myth: My Estonian is not good enough.
Fact: If you attended Estonian school or learned Estonian at your mother’s knee, you will find that either your command of the language is fine, or you will become attuned to it within a day or two in the same way as you would when you first try to understand what the actors are saying in a Shakespeare play. The whole idea of MÜ is to come and use your language skills in order to become more proficient as quickly as possible. If you are not an Estonian professor from Tartu University you are most likely in good company. And anyway, why should you care? Nobody is going to make you open your mouth if you don’t want to. Just listen, nod and smile. If you are a non-Estonian speaking spouse and would like to attend, welcome! By the end of the weekend you will be singing with the best of us. If you plan to attend, and would like to learn more about the culture or get some lessons in Estonian, please let the committee know as early as possible so that we can plan ahead to provide you with English programs of interest. You are also welcome to come and simply enjoy our beautiful scenery in quiet contemplation.

Myth: MÜ is elitist.
Fact:You decide: MÜ’s program is designed to stimulate lively discussion and make you think, practice your Estonian, and want to learn more about your heritage. The presenters and your fellow attendees are all intelligent, thoughtful and usually outspoken people. If this is your definition of elitist, you are right in thinking that the above statement is fact. If what you mean, is that the people who are presenting as well as attending MÜ, are arrogant and cliquey, then why don’t you take a chance and come see for yourself. If by the end of the first evening you still feel that way, ask for your money back.

Myth: Everyone must actively participate.
Fact: Group participation is encouraged but is entirely voluntary. Past experience has shown that moderators are very adept at recognizing discomfort levels, and have the ability to gently draw in any participant who may feel shy, but is willing to try. You will never be put on a spot. Every group needs its listeners. There are always enough talkers at a party.

Myth: The program is very intense.
Fact: The number of activities and programs offered in the short time available can become a bit overwhelming at times. The committee has recognized this and is planning more leisure time into the schedule this year. However, you are the only person who can decide for yourself when you have had enough. Kotkajärve has many places where you can go to get away and take a breather.

Myth: MÜ is for the young / old / octogenarians / university educated etc. etc.
Fact: MÜ is for anyone who feels a need to connect with their Estonian roots. There is day care available if required for our youngest members. We encourage teenagers to come and see what MÜ is all about. You are our future movers and shakers. We look forward to our 20- and 30- somethings because of your energy and enthusiasm. Our committee has had wonderful input from your contemporaries in designing this year’s program. Call your friends and come and make it happen. We promise, your parents will nod off if you keep them up partying the first night. It may also happen as has been the case in previous years, where the biggest movers and shakers have been the 50 plus group. And you 40- somethings. What are you waiting for? Where else are you going to get relief from your kids for several days because they’re all having a good time under supervision hanging out with their pals?

This coming summer is an excellent opportunity to experience Kotkajärve Metsaülikool if you have never attended before, or have not participated for several years. Because of the extensive cultural activities in Riga and Tallinn, Kotkajärve MÜ will only be 4 days long. Since this year’s theme is, “back to our roots” Juurte Juurde, the program will examine those roots which bind us to our Estonian heritage. The format will be informal, interactive and lively. Our younger generation has provided a lot of input and wonderful ideas, and the topics and activities are exciting and timely. Emphasis will not be on language proficiency, but rather on content.