I am the last living member of Reet’s immediate family. I wish to inform the Estonian community, who knew and loved my sister, of some tragic news. I recently learned that she was murdered forty-six years ago in California, at the age of 19, a short time after having arrived in Los Angeles. All of this has been a tremendous shock.
When Reet was killed, there was a composite drawing made of her that unfortunately did not resemble her in the least. But a few years ago her post-mortem photo was released to the public. Furthermore, through modern technology, my DNA was matched with hers. It is only now that she has officially been identified. Please let me share a little bit about my sister.
Reet was the youngest child in our family and was born on September 23, 1950 in Sweden. I have fond memories of her as a cute little girl with blonde, wavy hair. My father, Arthur, called her his little “pesa-muna” (last one born in the family), and my mother, Silvia, referred to her as their “metsaojakene” (little brook in the woods). She was bright, fun-loving, artistic, and musical. Growing up in Montreal, Reet was involved in the Estonian community, participating in summer camps, Girl Guides, a youth choir and other activities. She was a member of the St. John's Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church in Montreal, and was confirmed at the age of sixteen. Both family and friends deeply loved this free-spirited and happy girl.
After graduating from high school, Reet moved to Toronto and found work at Canada Post and lived with our grandmother, Johanna Päts. Then, in the fall of 1969, she went to California and decided to settle there. As time passed, we received no more news. Attempts were made to reach her, but they proved fruitless. As months and then years passed, we thought she was trying to create a new life for herself. We were always hoping that she would re-establish contact with friends and family. We were perplexed, but we never once suspected that she had been killed.
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After all these years, we have the truth of what happened to my sister, Reet. It was not what I wanted to hear. But this terrible murder occurred, and I now have a lot to come to terms with. There is a sense of closure, but there are still so many questions to be answered. Meanwhile, I am grieving with deep sorrow in my heart.Reet has been identified, but the murderer has not. I realize that even though all these many years have passed, someone, somewhere might know something. I am asking any person who might have information related to my sister’s time in California to write to or call Detective Luis Rivera at the Cold Case Homicide Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department. (Email of Luis Rivera: 26694@lapd.lacity.org , Telephone: 213-486-6826 )
Official Family Statement: https://sites.google.com/site/...
Thank you,
Anne Jürvetson
Note: Memorial service will be held Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 7 p.m. Montreal St John’s Estonian Ev. Lut. Church, 4345 Marcil Ave.