is pleased to announce our new club playing hours. Starting on Wednesday March 4th, 2015 at 7:00 pm and every Wednesday thereafter, the Toronto Estonian Chess Club invites all interested players, old or young, amateur or professional to come out and try your skill at this “game of kings”. The Toronto Estonian Chess Club is celebrating it’s 65th anniversary this year and hope to see new members join our club activity. Since 1950 through the leadership of past presidents Erich Kalmar and Lembit Joselin, the Toronto Estonian Chess Club has played an integral role in developing the game of chess in Canada. Lembit Joselin was single-handedly responsible for promoting the introduction of active chess (one hour games) in Canada and through the Paul Keres Active Chess Tournaments held at the Estonian House each fall, active chess became an accepted format of play for the Chess Federation of Canada. Today the Chess Federation of Canada (CFC) offers two sets of ratings for all of its members- one for regular tournament play and one for active chess tournaments. As an interesting note, Kalev Pügi was CFC President 1973-76 (during the years of the CFC's first business office, first business manager, and launch of its own magazine). He also organized the Canadian Championship 1961 Tournament, and the Canadian Open Championship 1966 Tournament. He was also recognized as a great chess teacher. The Toronto Estonian Chess Club would also like to announce that our Spring Active Chess Tournament will be held on April 12th, 2015 starting at 1:00 pm at the Estonian House, Gallery Hall. To participate in this tournament please register with Jaak Järve at 416-222-9445 or email prior to April 7th, 2015. If you have any questions about our chess club activity or would like to make donations to the club so that we may continue our pursuit of this ancient game of logistics, please contact Jaak Järve. This is a quote from a brilliant Chess Master Siegbert Tarrasch; “Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy.”