Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Your idea may have worth under normal circumstances.... in a democratic society.
Please be informed that the man in question is not only two-tongued but apparently has trouble concentrating on the subject at hand.
Following an exposition of the group's position to the present President at Kadriorg castle this past March, during which about eight thousand border-treaty protest signatures were submitted to him, we learned firsthand from him that he is unfortunately not habilitated to participate in the border treaty question in any manner, (i.e. will not intervene on anyone's part). Only two hours later, following the said encounter with him, Rüütel let out a radio announcement that the border treaty will invariably be signed and that it is impossible to stop the said process. This is, of course, not true. Further, his radio statement was a complete rebuttal of the statement made to our group not two hours earlier regarding his inherent "incapacities" in this regard.
The groups’ meeting with Rüütel at Kadrioru castle was a certain flop since it rapidly became apparent that we were talking to a stone wall. The larger part of the sitting encounter with him consisted of a very long-winded, one-man-description of how he was cursed and ill-treated by his former comrades in Moscow when he dared to speak of the said border questions. A "look Mom, it hurts here" kind of soliloquy by the old man. This tactic, of course, largely aided in evading having to address the subject at hand, for which our group had mobilized.
What hurts very much, is that the man did not attempt to stay neutral nor to lend moral support to this very just cause, as would be expected of him as a peoples’ representative, but felt the overwhelming obsession to later put down the said meeting with the group of Setus and other Estonians. The population, of course, later awaited a radio briefing of this very important People-with-President encounter.... but received the said standard hard-line statement. This served as a clear sign that there is deep concern in the government and the President's office about growing public opposition to the government's unpopular border treaty with Russia and how further to stay aloof of the population. Please note that present polls (mid-May 2005, telephone poll of about 4,500 persons taken during FOORUM TV panel discussions) clearly showed that 78% of the Estonian population is adamantly against such a national blunder. Similar figures were estimated in February / March / April of this year by concerned citizens privately collecting physical signatures from the public on the streets. A recentle conducted FAKTUM poll also confirmed public opposition to the said “border treaty”.
The primary goal of this brief report is to suggest that it is not worth directing much attention or energy to someone confessing ineptitude but actually adhering to well-retained guidelines inherent to Communist Party strategies of the Russian Occupation. Any further explanations given for public consumption by the Presidency on this subject would in all probability be similar in nature to those already received by the abovesaid group of citizens.
A more concrete and effective direction would be to rapidly file charges against the present government for their intolerableness and unwarranted stubbornness exhibited to date vis-a-vis the public. Anything less would be a case of dueling with windmills.
PS Please do not misinterpret this opinion letter as opposing any constructive effort to "STOP THIS BORDER TREATY MADNESS", including that of Peeter Sepp.
Please be informed that the man in question is not only two-tongued but apparently has trouble concentrating on the subject at hand.
Following an exposition of the group's position to the present President at Kadriorg castle this past March, during which about eight thousand border-treaty protest signatures were submitted to him, we learned firsthand from him that he is unfortunately not habilitated to participate in the border treaty question in any manner, (i.e. will not intervene on anyone's part). Only two hours later, following the said encounter with him, Rüütel let out a radio announcement that the border treaty will invariably be signed and that it is impossible to stop the said process. This is, of course, not true. Further, his radio statement was a complete rebuttal of the statement made to our group not two hours earlier regarding his inherent "incapacities" in this regard.
The groups’ meeting with Rüütel at Kadrioru castle was a certain flop since it rapidly became apparent that we were talking to a stone wall. The larger part of the sitting encounter with him consisted of a very long-winded, one-man-description of how he was cursed and ill-treated by his former comrades in Moscow when he dared to speak of the said border questions. A "look Mom, it hurts here" kind of soliloquy by the old man. This tactic, of course, largely aided in evading having to address the subject at hand, for which our group had mobilized.
What hurts very much, is that the man did not attempt to stay neutral nor to lend moral support to this very just cause, as would be expected of him as a peoples’ representative, but felt the overwhelming obsession to later put down the said meeting with the group of Setus and other Estonians. The population, of course, later awaited a radio briefing of this very important People-with-President encounter.... but received the said standard hard-line statement. This served as a clear sign that there is deep concern in the government and the President's office about growing public opposition to the government's unpopular border treaty with Russia and how further to stay aloof of the population. Please note that present polls (mid-May 2005, telephone poll of about 4,500 persons taken during FOORUM TV panel discussions) clearly showed that 78% of the Estonian population is adamantly against such a national blunder. Similar figures were estimated in February / March / April of this year by concerned citizens privately collecting physical signatures from the public on the streets. A recentle conducted FAKTUM poll also confirmed public opposition to the said “border treaty”.
The primary goal of this brief report is to suggest that it is not worth directing much attention or energy to someone confessing ineptitude but actually adhering to well-retained guidelines inherent to Communist Party strategies of the Russian Occupation. Any further explanations given for public consumption by the Presidency on this subject would in all probability be similar in nature to those already received by the abovesaid group of citizens.
A more concrete and effective direction would be to rapidly file charges against the present government for their intolerableness and unwarranted stubbornness exhibited to date vis-a-vis the public. Anything less would be a case of dueling with windmills.
PS Please do not misinterpret this opinion letter as opposing any constructive effort to "STOP THIS BORDER TREATY MADNESS", including that of Peeter Sepp.
Yeah, let's bring Estonian people together again.... On teil ikka häbematust Eesti Asja inglise keeles ajada! Mis teil Rüütliga asja, Rüütel vähemalt räägib peaasjalikult eesti keelt.
Samuti pole mõtet kaugelt turvalisest Kanadast või kust iganes selle piirileppe teemal eriti haukuda.
Samuti pole mõtet kaugelt turvalisest Kanadast või kust iganes selle piirileppe teemal eriti haukuda.
Sina, pisike manitou, ära haugu inimeste kallal, kes püüavad Eesti asja tutvustada ja selgitada ka neile huvilistele, kes eesti keelt ei tunne.
Oot, oot, väike Manituu...egas siis kõik kes kommenteerivad inglise keeles tea vähem kui need kes eesti keeles seda vahendavad. Tegelt on esimesel kommenteerijal täielik õigus-Rüütel võib küll ilusad kõnesid pidada, aga sellist mehisust mida praegusel tingimustel vaja; kus 78% rahvast on piirilepingu vastu, Rüütlil puudub täielikult! Kõik kaebavad et oh...milles küsimus..10 aastat on oodatud sama lepingule alla kirjutada. Aga reaalsus räägib teist keelt. Praegu on enamuse silmis lätlased palju mehisemad ja tublimad kui eestlased. Võib juhtuda et ka neil oli oma piirilepingu variant, kuid nii rumalad nad ka pole, et lihtsalt mingisugusele udusele loogikale kaasa jooksevad nagu eestlastel, vaid kauplevad nii kaua kuni saavad TÄPSELT neile sobiva piirilepingu variant. Selline puru silma viskamine meie poliitikute poolt...kaasarvatud Rüütlilit..on häbi küll, ja ainult annab tunnustust sellele, et ta Eesti Vabariigi tegeliku heaolule ei pööra sugugi suurt tähelepanu, kui meie huvid on vastukaalus rahvusvaheliste (loe Venemaa ja EL-i) huvidele. Kus on sm. Kallas kes lubas et EL-i astudes astume kindla sammu Venemaast kaugemale?? Kas tema ja Ilves hoolivad põrmugi asjade käigust Eestis? Võibolla on saabunud see kriitiline hetk, millest kord Ilves rääkis...et EL-i minnes peame arvestama ühe väga suure kompromissiga mis ees seisab....jah..nii ta rääkis mõned aastad tagasi ühes ETV saates
Peaminister Andrus Ansip
Välisminister Urmas Paet
Lgp. Reformierakonna vastutavad isikud,
Eesti kodanikuna nõuan Teilt peatada Eesti territoriaalset ja põhiseaduse vastast piirilepingu sõlmimist Venemaaga.
1. Peatada kavandatava, ENSV piiri põlistava piirileppe allakirjutamine !
2. Alustada läbirääkimisi Vene föderatsiooniga, lähtudes Eesti Vabariigi õigest, Tartu rahulepinguga fikseeritud piirist.
3. Mitte kunagi ratifitseerida leppeid, mis loovutavad eesti rahva maaalasid !
Soovin lisada, et valimised on tulemas ning erakonnad ja rahvasaadikud kes ei suuda rahva soove KONKREETSELT arvesse võtta on suundumas ajaloo prügikasti.
Välisminister Urmas Paet
Lgp. Reformierakonna vastutavad isikud,
Eesti kodanikuna nõuan Teilt peatada Eesti territoriaalset ja põhiseaduse vastast piirilepingu sõlmimist Venemaaga.
1. Peatada kavandatava, ENSV piiri põlistava piirileppe allakirjutamine !
2. Alustada läbirääkimisi Vene föderatsiooniga, lähtudes Eesti Vabariigi õigest, Tartu rahulepinguga fikseeritud piirist.
3. Mitte kunagi ratifitseerida leppeid, mis loovutavad eesti rahva maaalasid !
Soovin lisada, et valimised on tulemas ning erakonnad ja rahvasaadikud kes ei suuda rahva soove KONKREETSELT arvesse võtta on suundumas ajaloo prügikasti.
On teil ikka häbematust mõelda et eestlased kes räägivad ka inglise keelt, ehk elavad praegusel hetkel väljaspool Eesti piiri on hoolimatud Eestist
Tänane gallup Eesti Päevalehes
Kas Eesti peaks 18. mail (NB! Homme!) kirjutama alla Eesti-Vene piirilepingule?
jah 38%
ei 62%
Kokku vastajaid: 4841
Kui leping homme peaks allkirjastatama siis kas Eestis on rahvademokraatia?
Kas Eesti peaks 18. mail (NB! Homme!) kirjutama alla Eesti-Vene piirilepingule?
jah 38%
ei 62%
Kokku vastajaid: 4841
Kui leping homme peaks allkirjastatama siis kas Eestis on rahvademokraatia?
Homset piirileppe allakirjutamist Eesti ja Venemaa vahel pole võimalik peatada.
Küll aga on valijatel õigus teada mismoodi käituvad rahvaesindajad hääletusel, kui piirilepet hakatakse menetlema Riigikogus.
Selleks võib igaüks pöörduda oma rahvaesindaja poole, kelle ta Riigikogusse valis kirja või meili teel ning küsida kuidas tema poolt valitud saadik hääletab kui lepingut hakatakse jõustama.
Riigikogu liikmete nimekirja leiad siit.
Ühtlasi saaksid valijad teada kelle poolt hääletada järgmistel Riigikogu valimistel.
Küll aga on valijatel õigus teada mismoodi käituvad rahvaesindajad hääletusel, kui piirilepet hakatakse menetlema Riigikogus.
Selleks võib igaüks pöörduda oma rahvaesindaja poole, kelle ta Riigikogusse valis kirja või meili teel ning küsida kuidas tema poolt valitud saadik hääletab kui lepingut hakatakse jõustama.
Riigikogu liikmete nimekirja leiad siit.
Ühtlasi saaksid valijad teada kelle poolt hääletada järgmistel Riigikogu valimistel.
Mis see piirilepping muudab et sellega oleks kiirust?
Jaapan on ootanud Venemaaga piirileppingut 60 a. Kirjutavad alla siis kui teritooriumi tagasi saavad. Vahepeal elavad päris rahulikult. Eestlane võiks ju samuti teha.
Jaapan on ootanud Venemaaga piirileppingut 60 a. Kirjutavad alla siis kui teritooriumi tagasi saavad. Vahepeal elavad päris rahulikult. Eestlane võiks ju samuti teha.
Kommentaarid sellele artiklile on suletud.