Private Members Motion M-238 advances cause of visa-free visits
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
mystified09 Sep 2005 09:37
I can't recognise the urgency underlying this issue. I appreciate that the visa requirement is a major inconvenience for a very small minority of frequent travellers. Otherwise, it appears to be moot.

I'm probably not alone, if I've overlooked something, and some further explanation might be worthwhile to enhance the response to your appeal. Thanks in advance.
mystified09 Sep 2005 09:53
I should add that the visa requirement is also a major inconvenience for criminals and their gangs; and that's not a bad thing. The Russian maffia is a problem in Estonia, as it is here. That said, we don't need more of it.
to mystified09 Sep 2005 13:50
While the Russian maffia in Estonia is a matter of Estonian local concern (the protection racket, for instance, is not nearly as ubiquitous as it once was) there is little evidence, if at all, that organized crime from Estonia has reached Canada. Asylum seekers and forcible deportations back to Estonia have dwindled to a few instances a year. Estonia has earned the right to visa free visits to Canada. It's a political decision that must be made. Canada simply will not suffer the wrath of the Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian communities in Canada by singling out Estonia alone. Estonian statistics regarding violation of visa requirements do not justify the keeping of a visa fregime.
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