The „Grey House“ – Tartu KGB Cells Museum
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Ago Ambre21 Sep 2005 10:16
It's true that the nomenklatura and their offspring are not particularly interested in the past. The KGB Dungeons museum was the idea of Enn Tarto and his fellow idealists. The funding for the construction was by the Estonian American Fund. An excellent booklet about the musem is now available in English. The booklet also gives and overview of the 1939-1991 period as it affected Estonia.
Anonymous21 Sep 2005 14:02
How can we get a copy?
Ago Ambre24 Sep 2005 09:26
If you want a copy, I can send you one. Just tell me that you would review it for the English language readers of EE. Send me your postal address. My e-mail address
pbush26 Sep 2005 12:48
The booklet is titled "Crimes of Communism and the Struggle for Estonia's Freedom". It was printed in 2005 at Tartu and consists of about 28 pages.

I picked up a copy at the museum during my visit and it is indeed excellent-probably the best I have ever come across.

You can contact the museum at:

I don't know if a review of this is even possible as it is so concise and well written without the all too frequent over emotion that dectracts so much from much of what the older generation has written about these events in the past.

Perhaps the paper might even consider taking steps to publish it with permission from Tartu Linnamuseum.

Ago Ambre27 Sep 2005 16:52
The text is in WORD. Sending it is easy. The Museum is certain to grant permission.
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