Suri Lennart Meri
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Soomest14 Mar 2006 14:54
Sellist inimest ei saa eesti rahvas palju aastaid näha. Ekskommunisti jätkamist pean nöukogude-eesti jätkuajaks, aga kandidaadid KELAM, ILVES on köige töenäolisemad kandidaadid selle posti jätkajateks. See juba söltub neist enestest.
Maxim14 Mar 2006 20:27
Meri dragged Estonia into Europe kicking and screaming like a baby that wanted to grow up NOW-and he succeeded! Next candidates for this honorouble position should be either Rait Maruste or Jaan Manitski. They both show tremendous promise.
JP15 Mar 2006 08:38
Who the f___ is Rait Maruste?? If you want to talk about issues like the future of Estonia then please, why don't you do it in the local language?
Maxim15 Mar 2006 09:44
Rait Maruste is a judge in the European Court of Justice. He is one of Estonia's most heavyweight and cosmopolitan intellectuals, and a firm candidate for the position of President.
to maxim15 Mar 2006 12:36
a "cosmopolitan intellectual" means that person is probably pushing the financial elite's 'one-world' agenda .... which is not good for estonian nationalists who wants to preserve an estonian identity !
Maxim15 Mar 2006 12:46
I concur fully with your thoughts, although we are now on a different treadmill altogether as an EU member, and it's a little too late to cry wolf, when we had the opportunity to say NO in the first place. Did you vote no like me? Nevertheless, life goes on, and we need to make the right decisions in spite of the tendency of Estonian interests being traded against global interests. Nothing will turn the clock back, unfortunately.
to maxim15 Mar 2006 13:13
it is interesting to note that in the lennart meri memorial photo, he is wearing a tie with an eu logo -
showing that yes, all politicians know how to butter their bread .... a few väliseestlased did vote no to eu
Katrin15 Mar 2006 04:27
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