Severance of parliamentary relations or economic blockade — more déja vu?
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
tiritamm17 Nov 2006 10:37
For the first time, I see Vladimir Zhirinovsky referred to as a liberal-democrat. Is that how he refers to himself? In any case, others call him an extremist Russian chauvinist and for good reason
That's my only quibble with an otherwise fine article about a vexing and complex problem. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Impartial judge17 Nov 2006 12:53
The might of Russia's present economic and political clout should not be underestimated. Today, Russia is an equal player in Europe, due largely to the fact that her energy resources far exceed Europe's wildest dreams! Till now, however, most of Europe has essentially believed that Russia is several notches below them, and therefore it shouldn't be a problem keeping Russia serving our better interests. Now it looks more than likely that Russia is calling the shots, and Europe is having to eat humble pie! Just this week, Bush went to the trouble of detouring a major south- east Asian tour to meet privately with Putin in Moscow. It should be no coincidence that Putin set the record straight for Bush insofar as Russia's interests in the Baltics are concerned. All this, and a heap of fines for Estonia to pay into the EU coffers-and some people out there still think Estonia's on the right track. Blind and naive-that's putting it mildly!
to impartial judge (aka Maxim)17 Nov 2006 14:07
Thank you, Maxim, for exercising some restraint -- for the first time, you have made a comment that can be understood and isn't offensive in some way. Congratulations on your small achievement. But before you dislocate your shoulder by patting yourself on the back, you should be aware that you haven't said much.

"...Russia is an equal player in Europe, due largely to the fact that her energy resources far exceed Europe's wildest dreams! [Are Europeans really so uninformed? Where is the evidence?] Till now, however, most of Europe has essentially believed that Russia is several notches below them [Was it not?], and therefore it shouldn't be a problem keeping Russia serving our better interests. [When did Russia act in anything other than its own interests? Give an example.] Now it looks more than likely that Russia is calling the shots, and Europe is having to eat humble pie! [What do you mean? Be specific and show some evidence.] Just this week, Bush went to the trouble of detouring [Is that the right word?] a major south- east Asian tour to meet privately with Putin in Moscow. It should be no coincidence that Putin set the record straight [meaning what?] for Bush insofar as Russia's interests in the Baltics are concerned. [You speak as if you were there.] All this, and a heap of fines [Why use the plural here?] for Estonia to pay into the EU coffers-and some people out there still think Estonia's on the right track. [Informed observers point to Estonia's liberty and rapid growth in prosperity as an example to the rest of the world.] Blind and naive-that's putting it mildly! [Ever the pompous Maxim telling us -- again -- that only he is the man of vision in the kingdom of the blind.]

Maxim, your presence is resented here because you throw around some ambiguities and hector us as if you were omniscient. As often as not, you are obnoxious. You promised to leave us in peace. Why haven't you?
just wondering17 Nov 2006 15:02
nice lecture ... but do you have any original thoughtsyourself ? ... the general point of the initial comment is valid ... is russia or the eu a better long term partner for estonia ?
touche17 Nov 2006 15:16
[Informed observers point to Estonia's liberty and rapid growth in prosperity as an example to the rest of the world.

I don't know how much prosperity will be left after Estonia pays the 700+ mil. sugar fine, and the repurchase of Baltic Rail Service; stil very much under dispute. I take it this is not the kind of prosperity "informed observers" had in mind.
Biased Judge18 Nov 2006 17:20
Maxim lihtsalt silub teed venevägede naasmisele, nagu Edgar Savisaargi.

Okupatsioonivägede lahkumisel kandis mõnigi sõdur plakatit sõnadega: Мы возвра&amp ;#1090;имся! või Мы вернем&amp ;#1089;я!<br /> "We'll return!" "We'll be back!"
Toomas Merilo18 Nov 2006 18:22
Maxim, Maxim, Maxim… sigh. How we have missed you - NOT.

Well at least you have put your cards on the table: [i]Estonia would have been far better off, in all respects, had she joined the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and partnered with Russia instead of the European Union. She had better see the error of her ways. As should we in the West… for the sake of an independent, prosperous and secure Estonia.[i]

Well Maxim, Byelorussia (Valgevene) is a country that saw her future as part of the CIS. It might just be instructive to compare how the two have fared:

In terms of Civil Society, Rule of Law, Freedom from Corruption, Economic growth, absolute Economic indicators (e.g. GDP per capita), etc. Estonia appears to be a frontrunner (surprise!). Byelorussia, however, appears to be at the bottom of the list. A failure.

Remember what I’ve said about Maxim always multiplying the truth by [i]minus one[i] and proclaiming the result to be Gospel? Well he’s done it again.

And, Maxim, congratulations on your new cloaking device and your clever attempt to disguise your style; nobody would have guessed you are the [i]Impartial Judge[i]. Yeh, right!
Jaanus19 Nov 2006 04:31
Toomas-you make yourself look like a total idiot with this comment! Are you so hopelessly incapable of stringing your own thoughts together that you need to hide behind someone else every time! For your information, I am not one bit interested in what you have to say, because your pompous style makes me throw up every time you come here!
to Jaanus (aka Maxim?)19 Nov 2006 14:37
Written in Maxim's style, most of your comment is too ambiguous for a clear interpretation. Nonetheless, I got the part about Toomas making you want to throw up. I think that is just great. Now you know how we feel when we read your drivel so we are even all around.

To Toomas: keep up the good work.

To Maxim: why don't you set up you own web-site -- as you promised -- so that you and your fans (if any) can congregate for mutual congratulation. That looks like a perfect cure for all this nausea. Can you see anything wrong with that solution, Maxim?
to; to Jaanus (aka Maxim)20 Nov 2006 04:04
ha haaa, what a fool you are! Do you really think I'm Maxim? Shows just how short-sighted you are and how easy it is to throw you off guard. You're trapped in your own prison, and Maxim has thrown away the key, ha haaaaaaaa
to Jaanus20 Nov 2006 05:39
If you really aren't Maxim, and just a fan, perhaps you can explain a mystery that Maxim wont -- Just what is Maxim trying to achieve here?
Jaak21 Nov 2006 07:39
Same as all of us - our own views. Don't be afraid of different ideas friend, they won't hurt you.
Jaak! You are wrong!21 Nov 2006 11:04
There is no equivalence among ideas -- they can be right, wrong, malicious, edifying, logical, self-contradictory and so forth -- anything but equivalent.

Some people have sincerely believed that communism leads to justice and prosperity. That's only one example of a false idea that has lead to monstrous iniquities and it isn't comparable in any respect to the implications of a state founded on the sovereignty of the citizen.

For reasons unknown, Maxim has spent a lot of effort articulating demonstrably false ideas in the form of slurs, slanders and plain old gibberish to insult and aggravate Canada's Estonian community. There is nothing, in the collected works of Maxim, that embodies a simple word of truth, straight-forwardly expressed.

If Maxim's posturing wasn't grotesque and deliberately hurtful, it would be amusing, much like the antics seen at a monkey house, and then we could all laugh and comment on its human-like quality. Instead, we're repelled by his relentless malice and stupidity.

In anticipation of a response urging that Maxim isn't appreciated because his insights are unique, profound and simply beyond our ken, I'll ask -- just show us one example!

And just for your information, Jaak, I believe that you are Maxim. I say that because you sound like him. Whereas normal people have a certain sameness about them, troubled souls tend to be unique. It's hard to believe that there can be two clownish mountbanks in our community that coincidentally sound the same.
To the non-Estonian . . .21 Nov 2006 11:41
The previous comment features all the hallmarks of extremism - fear of ANY views that diverege from those held by the status quo - and should accordingly be ignored as such.
The majority of Estonians favour open and free debate -the same liberty that we fought so hard for against the Soviet regime - not to discourage or assail intellectual discourse as this 'poster' would have you believe.
Jaanus22 Nov 2006 05:54
I've just reviewed a number of past comments in the archives section, and I don't see anywhere that Maxim has indicated to us he has EVER supported the Soviet regime. To the contrary, he seems to speak of the many omissions in Estonian politics over the past 15 years, and for this he gets branded as a fruitloop! I think it is about time each of us learnt to contribute our own ideas instead of leaving a trail of endless garble that does nothing to advance the Estonian cause.
exactly!22 Nov 2006 09:06
I agree completely. Course we'll now both be accused of being Maxim LOL. The trend seems to be that Maxim offers his thoughts, others respond with mindless hatred and abuse without offering any actual thoughts of their own. Perhaps on a good day they might find a spelling mistake or something that he made and make a big deal out of that but otherwise their abusive comments have been completely void of content. I for one have appreciated Maxim's comments. Unfortunately he seems to have been chased away by the mindless haters. Oh well, what can you do. Anyhow, if you're out there Maxim, thanks for your thoughts. You always had something to say and I respected you for that even if I didn't always agree with you.
one more thing22 Nov 2006 09:22
I haven't read every comment ever posted here so perhaps I have missed something. If Maxim has ever said that he supports the soviet regime then please show me where he has done so. If anyone can do that then I will withdraw my support of him. If however none of you can find such a comment by him, well I guess that will speak for itself.
indigo nr 322 Nov 2006 14:07
I think Maxim did the right thing leaving this site, because his dissenters always gave him more than he ever deserved! He only wished to contribute in his own meek and mild way, but the conservatism of many Canadian-Estonians made it impossible to see past their own ideas. As the community continues to show a steady decline in the number of people wishing to be active and contribute something worthwhile, it certainly won't be these same critics who will be asking serious questions as the whether they may have done something to repel people from remaining "in the fold", so to speak. Their own egotism will be the last thing to die as they dig their heels in more decisively to demolish any notion of dissent surrounding them!
to tiritamm17 Nov 2006 13:43
Unforunately Zhirinovsky's party is called the Liberal-Democratic party, a true perversion of an otherwise internationally recognized political concept.
Harri Kivilo18 Nov 2006 23:16
In relatively short time after the end of Russian occupation, Estonia's progress to be again a normal European state has been quite remarkable. Despite this "Hardly a week goes by without a threat or accusation aimed at Estonia from prominent Russian politicians and/or government officials". The total falsehood of those accusations would have been understood by all in case those who were in 1991 elected to rule, would have declared that:
all laws and administrative order that were in force in 1939 will govern until modified and/or replaced by new legislation:
all residents not having Estonian citizenship must apply for temporary visas if they wish to stay in Estonia;
all agreements that Estonia was forced to sign for allowing Soviet armed forces to be stationed in Estonian are declared invalid.
Instead the laws and administrative order established by the occupation forces were left in tact and all colonists, amounting to about 30% of the total population, were treated as legal residents. Being afraid that our friends in West could not understand why Estonian men fought the invading Red Army, and had to do so in German uniforms, our governments have decided not to recognize officially those freedom fighters. The shortsightedness in 1991 has allowed the Russian Federation to maintain that the Estonia is a former republic of the Soviet Union that choose to sever the ties with "heroes that liberated Europe" from the nazi occupation. Somehow those high Russian officials have not heard that most of the Europe, that the Red Army "liberated", remained for almost 50 years in the captivity of the Soviet Union. Likewise surprisingly, those elected to assure that the Estonian language and culture will prevail for generations to come, still do not understand that this task can not be accomplished by making Estonia a bilingual country. But this is exactly what the large population of Russians living in Estonia wants. The false accusations by the Russian Federation are aimed to support that demand by prompting our friends to understand the Russians brought to Estonia by the Soviet Union are a "founding nation" of the new Republic of Estonia.
thank you, Harri Kivilo19 Nov 2006 06:41
Thank you for your succinct and precise summary of Estonia's current political situation. You clarified some subtle points that I was unaware of.
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