Dion wins Liberal leadership
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correction08 Dec 2006 06:40
Dion doesn't sound like Chretien; not by a long shot.
Dion speaks the elegant French of the educator that he once was.
Chretien, by contrast, speaks like a truck-driver from rural Quebec (in spite of his university education).

The press in France made no mention of Chretien's French during his visit there as Prime Minister. I wonder why? If Gomer Pyle addressed Canadians, as a representative of the U.S. Government, would the press pretend to not notice the quality of his English? I doubt it.
Anonymous08 Dec 2006 07:02
I believe the comment was about speaking H'inglish, not la belle langue...
'stie09 Dec 2006 11:40
There's nothing "belle" about "la langue" that Chretien speaks. For the English equivalent, listen to the F.B.I. tapes of John Gotti. They are also roughly equivalent in their ethical composition.

I'm pleased by Dion's victory. He's the best that the Liberals could put forward and that's very important. For vibrant, effective democratic government, voters need a choice among credible party leaders.
Anonymous12 Dec 2006 07:06
1) Environment: all of Dion's policies were effective as per Ms. Frasier's report. We have less than 6 months to measure them by. Rona The Puppet was told to disembowel the protfolio anyway, so we'll never know. I say better to allow Dion to look after it rather than evangelical oil barons who only speak the language when it doesn't affect the bottom line. Anyway, why would you even cite his environmental record? According to the Canadian Alliance Party climate change is as real as the tooth fairy - if it doesn't exist, there's nothing to foul up or fix!

2) His English. Does he have an accent: yes. Is he able to articulate his idea with eloquence: yes.

3) Citizenship. Being a dual citizen myself along with millions of Canadians and 42 sitting MPs, I can say with all sincerity that I love both countries equally. It is highly unlikely that Dion's position would be comprimised by this status. To question his commitment to this country is unjustfied considering his achievement in keeping it together during the last referendum. Who was it that Harper called to consult on the 'nation motion?' Noooo . . not Chang . . . and not Van Loon either . . . in fact no one in his own caucus! That's right, it was Mr. Dion! So using Alliance Lite tactics, that would make Stephen Harper a traitor and complicit in the sponsership scandal . .. right?
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