European Parliament Resolution on Estonia
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
M24 May 2007 11:35
Yet Stephen Harper still refuses to acknowlege Russian agression.
Now, 3 weeks after the initial crisis, I'm starting to view Harper's silence as an endorsement of the Kremlin's actions against Estonia.
R27 May 2007 11:05
FYI. The Government "stands very strongly with the people of Estonia in any kind of intimidation from Russia or any other country."
Time to stop this ill informed spin.
M28 May 2007 07:20
Readers should be advised that the quote in the previous post was part of a diluted a answer, to a serious question posed by a Liberal, MP Bryon Wilfert – the only MP in the house to express concern over Russia’s aggression.
“Canada’s New Government” has yet to issue any formal statement of support unlike the US President, Senate, House, The EU and every other NATO member state.
Maxim29 May 2007 02:08
Stephen Harper is Edgar Savisaar's counterpart in Toronto. Silence is their best weapon until they wake to the opposition's growing power base, and then do a slam dunk with help from Russia!
A.N.29 May 2007 11:18
Maxim, Stephen Harper is not the mayor of Toronto as Savisaar is the mayor of Tallinn.
They are not counterparts.
Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada.
David Miller is the mayor of Toronto... now he's a different story, but even he cannot be called Savisaar's counterpart. The city he governs is 4 times the population of the entire country of Estonia.
Again, Maxim with his wise comments!
slam dunk?29 May 2007 17:08
With all due respect, Maxim, I must tell you that I've read your last comment twice, and thoughtfully. It seems to be devoid of any meaning whatsoever.
Please correct me if I'm wrong by translating your words into conventional English. Thanks in advance.
Anonymous29 May 2007 17:20
[Canadian Prime Minister] Stephen Harper [in Ottawa] is [Tallinn Mayor] Edgar Savisaar's counterpart in Toronto. [Who is in Toronto, Harper or Savisaar?] Silence is their best weapon [for what?] until they wake to the opposition's [be specific!] growing power base [ refer to some evidence], and then do a slam dunk [who does what?] with help from Russia!

Only Maxim is capable of producing such a garbled, meaningless mess. And he can't understand why he is jeered at, the poor dunce.
to maxim29 May 2007 17:30
Why do you keep tormenting us with such nonsense, and worse?
What have the Estonians in Canada done to you that makes you so angry? Why don't you pour it out in a great long article. You might finally get it out of your system and finally be at peace with yourself.
FYI...29 May 2007 18:02
Maxim identified himself back in February... Here it is:

Anonymous 15 Feb 2007 16:55
Teema: Re: Viido, kuule nüüd! (3)

Nii nagu maxim kirjutab tuletab mulle meelde vana sopra kes laks kaua tagasi Eestisse: Eerik Konze! Eerik oli alati kiire rumalusi utlema. Maxim oledgi Konze!!

Vasta Saada uus kommentaar Loe seda teemat

Maxim. 16 Feb 2007 05:16
Teema: Re: Viido, kuule nüüd!

Egas ma siis nii kiiresti ei karganud vastata-võtsin ikka veidi aega, aga ükskõik siis-tuli välja nagu tuli. Vähemalt nüüd kodumaal ja saan ilma teie pideva nääklemiseta rahulikumalt elada. Õnne teile seal kaugel mere taga!
to FYI29 May 2007 18:50
Yes he did; then he changed his confused mind.
By haunting us here with taunts and insults, Maxim/Erik gets temporary relief from the pain in his soul. He will not leave until the readers' commentary section is restricted to paid subscribers.
Anonymous30 May 2007 08:57
Back to the original subject. . .
Leading and influential Canadian Political blogger Jason Cherniak has posted about Estonia:
Kommentaarid sellele artiklile on suletud.