Letter to Senator Mitch McConnell
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous12 Oct 2007 10:17
Vello Ederma kirjutab haruldaselt!
mitte ameeriklane12 Oct 2007 14:14
'Especially in this era of terrorism. There are forces around the world that hate us and wish us ill. There are forces that are jealous of our greatness, goodness, prosperity and democracy that would seek to bring us down. We are not perfect, but we are the best.'

Most of the 'forces' in the world want america to keep its imperialism at home ... along with its 'so called culture' of consumerism, violence, pornography, homosexuality, depravity ...

Yes, Ronald Reagan was a great president. He freed eastern Europe without having to sacrifice one American life.

At this juncture, only Ron Paul with his 'friendly' foreign policy approach, appears capable of restoring American prestige in the world.
Toomas Merilo14 Oct 2007 20:24
“mitte ameeriklane” wrote, “[O]nly Ron Paul … appears capable of restoring American prestige in the world.” As everyone knows, the 72 year old Congressman Ron Paul is a contender for the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the USA.

I felt strongly moved to conclude that “mitte ameeriklane” was Maxim. But I will refrain – for now. Nevertheless, let me rehash some of Ron Paul’s ideology:

And it is starkly isolationist. Ron Paul wants America out of World Affairs

He advocates US withdrawal from NATO and the United Nations

He advocates a benign US foreign policy of non-intervention.

He is contradictory: he supports free trade but neither NAFTA nor the World Trade Organization.

He opposes the US Federal Income Tax and wants to abolish most Federal agencies.

He opposes the Federal War on Drugs.

And he advocates making abortions illegal… by overturning the US Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling.

But all of this is moot, since most of us (Canadian Estonians and “just Estonians”) are neither able to vote at the Republican Nomination Convention nor in the upcoming American Presidential election. So why have I taken the trouble to write?

Ans: The shill for Ron Paul just has a bad smell to it. It smells like an uninformed opinion. It smells like someone who comments all too often on these pages and has tried to use “stealth” to disguise himself.
Anonymous15 Oct 2007 09:10
Excellent post.
Ron Paul is indeed a fringe nutcase.
But why is EE posting random stories about fringe US politics anyway?
shill15 Oct 2007 09:33
Wow ... to have a different world view from tm is a serious matter !
Sounds like TM is a shill for one world government ?

Ron Paul is picking up significant popular support in the us, in spite of media denial, (reminiscent of Ronald Reagan in 1980 when the voting public loved him, but the media smeared him).

For those who are interested in knowing a little more about Ron Paul and his small government, constitutionalist approach ...


Looks like18 Oct 2007 13:20
deeper thought from one of the M and M boys, (and I don't mean Mantle or Maris).
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