ESK strateegilised toetused eestluse tulevikuks
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Supporter04 May 2008 01:53
Yess! ESK puts its money where its mouth is. EKN only talks big and does nothing relevant.
Anonymous05 May 2008 14:52
Both ESK and EKN are relevant. What a stupid comment!
Anna06 May 2008 07:56
EKN used to do a lot of good work. Ever since Laas left the helm, they seem to be drifting aimlessly. Currently, they seem to be only full of hot air. They put themselves out there as representatives and leaders of our community, but I'd like to see what they are doing FOR the community. I somewhat resent their going to ÜEKN junkets representing all of our organizations, when they don't have the organizations' proxy to speak on their behalf. (although by voting for the EKN juhatus, they have our proxy as individual Canadian Estonians) Am I mistaken?
ESK has been doing a fantastic job for our community promoting inclusiveness, diversity (of activities), helping our youth and seniors alike. Kudos!
Unfortunately, I agree with comment #1.
Ruut06 May 2008 12:33
30,000 + Estonians in Canada.
1000 voted in the last EKN election.
You do the math.
Anna06 May 2008 14:02
30,000 Estonians in Canada
- 1,000 who voted
= 29,000 apathetic Estonians who have given up their right to voice an opinion on this subject.
Anonymous06 May 2008 15:36
30,000 ? sounds a bit high !

I'd challenge anyone to produce 10,000 names/addresses/email addresses ( that is up to date ).
maybe06 May 2008 16:53
not necessarily so ... many who do not vote in the ekn elections, probably still partake actively in other esto community events
Anonymous06 May 2008 21:13
I'd say that those 29,000 silent Estonians are sending a rather strong message.
Vähemusvõitlane07 May 2008 02:22
Estonians in Canada have given up much more of their rights than they would like to believe is possible. They are steadily eroding due to factors even unbeknown to themselves, and what rights they have left, even these they abuse and ignore. This is why Laas gave up trying to do anything further, because there was too much opposition towards youth involvement. Now they are paying the previously unimaginable price of dwindling numbers, and furthermore Estonia is becoming a fossilized concept retreating back into the past, holding no power of interest for those struggling to break with their ancestral ties. Only intermarriage has managed to successfully break the bonds of Estonian identity, with the fruits of copulation outside of racial boundaries producing the very essence of what Stalin hoped for in Soviet Man.
Anna07 May 2008 08:24
"Only intermarriage has managed to successfully break the bonds of Estonian identity, with the fruits of copulation outside of racial boundaries producing the very essence of what Stalin hoped for in Soviet Man. "

That statement is truly offensive. I would like to think that we are above such ignorance!
We should cherish each and every Estonian. Our people have been a mix of all of the people who have "visited" Eesti since day one. Now it's an issue? Now we're a pure race? There was once a man in Germany who had similar views to yours. We all know what happened to him and his ideas.

Our goal for the next 10 years leading up to E.V. 100, should be inclusivity to the point that our community of INVOLVED Estonians grows, rather than wanes.
Thanks to ESK, I think we're off to an excellent start!
sd07 May 2008 09:51
Anna - its obviously Maxim you're responding to. (his grammar gives him away) Just ignore him or her.

Meanwhile, ESK has all the money and gets to be up front and center doing all the big shiny "fun" things that are successful if people show up and have a good time and are over when the fat lady sings.

EKN has little or no money of its own and works on a lot of tediously dull things that go on for years and years often without any sort of visible resolution. Even when there are tangible success stories, for example the end of Canadian visa requirement for bearers of Estonian passports, EKN can't go around blaring its own horn ESK style because there are partisan political considerations to bear in mind.

Two completely different organizations, both necessary and worthwhile.
Anonymous07 May 2008 10:34
Summon the bogey man! The community is critical of EKN! It's all Maxim's fault!

I feel badly for the many good members of EKN who have, since being "elected" , discovered the embarrasing realities of the organizaton. There will be a good many pieces to pick up and bridges to mend once and if a change comes along. I can't help but wonder how much longer this organization will exist.
Toomas Merilo07 May 2008 10:47
When I was in EKN and the juhatus(till 2006), it was clear that the money from supporters just wasn't coming in anymore. All EKN had was a nest egg of around $600,000 and that was being drawn down upon. So yes, EKN doesn't have all that much to throw around on the "fun" stuff.

But when it comes to taking credit, EKN makes sure to blow its horn for everything it can. Especially the Visa thing... but ask someone in the know.
sd07 May 2008 11:09
Read the post that Anna was responding to -- I don't think there's much there that is critical of EKN or those copulating estonians or whoever or whatever the author wanted to insult.

And I never said don't criticize. Just lets be clear that comparing ESK and EKN is about as useful as comparing a dump truck to a bicycle.
Anonymous07 May 2008 06:43
Click on the EKN link on this page to see how active they are. And then look at what ESK has done recently. Those 9000 (yes) "apathetic" estonians who have not voted in the EKN elections have not relinquished any rights to speak up, instead the EKN has not spoken up on their behalf for years. If the EKN was relevant instead of obstructive, proactive instead of self-defeating, it could continue to say it represents estonians in canada.

The fact is however, that ESK represents estonian interests in a far greater and realistic way.
RT07 May 2008 11:01
ESK & EKN are different types of organizations and serve different purposes. The significance of their roles has indeed taken a shift, but it is due more to changing circumstances locally & internationally, than anything they can control.

In the past, EKN's political role represented our community's key interests of gaining/maintaining Estonia's independence. At that time the estonian community here was booming, so the ESK had quieter role of saving and conservatively distributing funds where necessary. More recently, the EKN's effectiveness has subsided somewhat. Since Estonia has gained entry to NATO & the EU, the canadian government probably feels less compelled to stick its nose out- especially at the risk of upsetting trade partners (ie. Russia).

Besides that, our community's focus has shifted from the international political front to preserving our community & culture locally. ESK has recognized this shift and reacted accordingly by becoming more pro-active, improving its visibility and loosening up on its distributions. They've done a nice job of helping existing community organizations rejuvenate themselves and new groups to pop up and grow.

Both organizations have their time and place to pick up the slack. Lets not burn the EKN bridge during their downtime, as we may need it on other serious political issues in the future.
Anna07 May 2008 12:38
EKN could still have a lot to do.
It would be a great service to send letters to the editors and press releases to our many local newspapers regarding current and past issues / events.
We are contstantly reminded of events from the past that have affected other ethnic / religious groups. We need to get the word out on a regular basis, about our Estonian & Baltic struggles, so that the world at large knows who we are and hears of our struggles.
- March 9th - the anniversary of the mass deportations
- Vabariigi Aastapäev
- letters re the cyberattacks
to name a few possibilities.
Anonymous07 May 2008 12:57
What decade are you living in? Do you really think that the editor of a major daily or local weekly is going to send out a reporter to cover a dusty historical story that no one cares about because you wrote a letter or EKN writes a poorly worded letter? Wake up!

EKN's roll was to build awareness in the media and Ottawa, and it hasn't done so since Laas left. 0, nothing, nada.

As for tooting ones horn: Toomas is right, ask someone "in the know" about how much EKN contributed to that decision. Or any other issue regarding Estonia for that matter. Worse still is that someone higher up from EKN was quoted in this newspaper saying that "Estonia should take care of it's own international affairs"!
Tallinlane07 May 2008 13:30
I was listening to a program yesterday called on the radio called Reporter. The guest was Harri Tiido, and he was informing listeners about the present troubles facing the people in the Republic of Georgia in Southern Russia. Russia has very cleverly managed to stack 80% of the local population with Russian citizenship, which means that when trouble strikes, Russia will have the perfect alibi with which to invade Georgia and protect her interests. Tiido stressed that Russia has managed this in a fairly short period of time, and that the operation should be a sobering reminder to Eastern Europe about Russia's potential to forsee trouble elsewhere and establish pretexts to her advantage. Tiido said there is nothing stopping Russia from repeating this operation in the former Soviet Republics.
Tallinlane07 May 2008 13:31
I was listening to a program yesterday called on the radio called Reporter. The guest was Harri Tiido, and he was informing listeners about the present troubles facing the people in the Republic of Georgia in Southern Russia. Russia has very cleverly managed to stack 80% of the local population with Russian citizenship, which means that when trouble strikes, Russia will have the perfect alibi with which to invade Georgia and protect her interests. Tiido stressed that Russia has managed this in a fairly short period of time, and that the operation should be a sobering reminder to Eastern Europe about Russia's potential to forsee trouble elsewhere and establish pretexts to her advantage. Tiido said there is nothing stopping Russia from repeating this operation in the former Soviet Republics.
Anna07 May 2008 13:33
So we should keep our mouths, pens and keyboards silent, watch "Deal or No Deal" and hope for the best?
!07 May 2008 14:05
When EKN's historic work is recognized, it would be remiss of us to not remember the good work that Priit Aruvald provided for many years, on behalf of all Estonian Canadians.
Anonymous07 May 2008 14:30
Most Estonians abroad have never heard of Harri Tiido, and are probably less inclined to take notice of him because the man is soooo negative. As a Canadian-Estonian, I am convinced there is absolutely no threat to Estonia either now or in the foreseeable future.
Anonymous07 May 2008 14:32
You should join EKN.
Anna07 May 2008 14:35
Priit & Laas were a great team and truly got things done.
Priit left a HUGE void when he left us.
Toomas Merilo08 May 2008 20:49
Priit was someone, who gave Eesti his all. I don’t say this lightly. Consider that after a University education, he chose to work for EKN and forego all prospects of a normal career or wage. OK, let’s be honest: he was willing to live on a subsistence wage for a cause.

He had a mission, one few of us - dare I say any of us – would have been willing to undertake at the time.

The other big figure in Toronto who gave up all material well being for Eesti is Laas Leivat. His sacrifice was huge. His was a more complicated decision. He was already a Senior Executive at Southam. He had a lucrative career as its Communications Director, in daily contact with the organization’s President. He gave it all up to be EKN’i esimees.

Laas and Priit. Idealists worthy of the highest praise.

Oh, by the way, I noticed that Eesti Elu removed a whole section of disussion from this forum and while I might not have read all of the commentary, phone calls that I have got lead me to believe that they were derogatory to EKN’s leadership.

If this is indeed the case, then Eesti Elu’s erasure of these commentaries is indeed despicable.
Huviline09 May 2008 07:41
Motion seconded!
Anonymous07 May 2008 11:12
EKN's relevance has diminished to virtually zero (if the store counts as EKN, then that keeps it from being full zero). A recent ESK chest-thumping email of "we got you a 30% discount on TSO tickets, aren't we great, doing this for YOU" finally moved me from apathy to antipathy. Avo does not have the mandate to speak for Canadians of Estonian heritage and it's cringe-worthy to see him sending himself abroad yet again, believing that he does speak for anyone but himself.

The limitations of an organization are reflected in its leadership: to witness, EKN and Eesti Maja, both in a death spiral due to inability to fix management. Contrast to ESK and Tartu College, both buoyant.
Anonymous09 May 2008 08:08
Toomas - what planet are you living on?
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