Russian politicians seen hijacking construction of Monument to Victims of Communism
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
.20 Jun 2008 05:40
Such a monument would be a distraction from the grotesque fact that Russia needs a monument to the victims of communism.

And why stop with a memorial to the dead? Survivors, the walking-wounded, also deserve recognition.
Maxim.21 Jun 2008 10:32
Estonians must begin to see the need for a more conciliatory approach to Russia. I have been saying this all along, and in this weekend's issue of Eesti Päevaleht there is an interview with Estonian Ambassador to Moscow, Marina Kaljurand, where she expresses her deep concern and regret that Estonians have forsaken most of the opportunities for reconciliation with Russia. However, she does add that the time will come when this will come to fruition; it's only a pity that Estonians could not have done more in their recent history to commend themselves as genuine peacemakers between the two countries. I am inclined to agree with her, and I think most sensible Estonians would do the same.
Andres22 Jun 2008 06:30
Why must Estonia do all the reconciliation? What steps have Russia taken? This is a two way street.
Maxim.22 Jun 2008 10:08
No one is asking her to do all the reconciling. However, as I said, what little opportunity there arose for conciliation, Estonia has stubbornly resisted to work together with Russia in toughing out a solution to their problems. This only aggravates Russia even more. What is remarkable in Russia's case, for example, is her conciliation towards the birth of the state of Israel. It's a remarkable story and one worth looking over, just to get the idea of what Russia has been capable of achieving in the past. Estonia has never needed to express such a need for conciliation in her history, and therefore she uses every opportunity to lambast Russia over everything Russia has done wrong in the past, at the same time trying to clear herself of any guilt she holds. Most Estonians are used to seeing Estonia as a guilt-free nation, and are always surprised when someone tells them otherwise. Your reaction is typical of that same syndrome.
Connie23 Jun 2008 13:15
Maybe Maxim can suggest some actual ways Estonia can be conciliatory towards Russia? Allow the gas pipeline? Agree that Estonia was not occupied? Back out of NATO because it's too in-your-face to Moscow? Give former polkovniks and KGB officers presidential orders? Claim that the Soviet era was a period of progress and enlightened governance? Maxim should learn the difference between conciliation and appeasement.
Maxim is a liar!23 Jun 2008 17:00
Connie is quite correct. Maxim, as usual, makes vague insinuations that cast Estonians in a bad light in contrast with Russians. In this case, he refers to Marina Kaljurand to back him up. The problem is that she doesn't!

Readers -- here is the the article that Maximahv refers to:

Read it. Then tell me that Maximahv isn't a liar!

This isn't the first time that he has employed this trick.
in defence of Maxim23 Jun 2008 20:05
He can't read.

I believe that he might be schizophrenic. Over a year ago, he was often delusional and exhibited shattered patterns of communication. Overnight, it suddenly improved by a quantum leap, as if he started taking medicine.

His grudge against his former community in Toronto is partially based on delusions.
David24 Jun 2008 07:07
I can't see where Maxim has lied. Can you point to some evidence please? Kaljurand appears critical enough towards Estonians in the light of her experience as Estonian Ambassador in Moscow.
to David/Maxim24 Jun 2008 16:39
Don't try to suck us into that old trap, Maxim -- deny, deny, at all costs!
We've seen you use it before. Do you remember how you told us that we have forfeited our right to return to Estonia? It all turned on your ignorance, but you were not about to back down.

If your wife came home and found you in bed with another woman, you would say, "What woman? I don't see any woman! Prove to me that there's a woman!" and on and on for as long as it takes.
Maxim.25 Jun 2008 01:13
Many thanks David for your supportive comment. However, as you can see from the comments, nothing here changes from the usual character assassination in which my critics take great delight practicing to the bitter end. Nothing will stop them from trying to put all the blame on me with anything that they don't find agreement upon, and they can't possibly imagine that there are other people such as yourself who question their so-called moral superiority. It just sickens me to see this kind of behaviour that has no bounds, but it is part of their makeup, and they don't want to do anything to improve their attitude. I guess we will have to learn to live with it, however much it distresses us.
Connie24 Jun 2008 07:52
Kaljurand is saying those things that a parting diplomat usually says. She wants to leave Moscow with the impression that she might have been able to forge a breakthrough in the unfriendly relations if only cirmcumstances had been favourable. In no way is she critical of Estonia, especially her own head office. As a true diplomat, she refers to Aleksius reveretnly, as appropriate for someone who might want to use that contact in the future. Experienced diplomats don't burn their bridges, even if they're itching to do so.
Peeter24 Jun 2008 14:08
"as appropriate for someone who might want to use that contact in the future".

What is exactly is there appropriate about using a former KGB officer as a contact, may I humbly ask???
To_anonymous25 Jun 2008 12:32
Many thanks Anonymous for your supportive comment. However, as you can see from
his comments, nothing here changes from the usual denials of reality in
which our critic takes great delight practicing to the bitter end.
Nothing will stop him from trying to put all the blame on us with anything
that he dosn't find agreement upon, and he can't possibly imagine that
there are other people such as yourself who question his so-called moral
superiority. It just sickens me to see this kind of behaviour that has no bounds,
but it is part of his makeup, and he dosn't want to do anything to improve
his attitude. I guess we will have to learn to live with it, however much
it distresses us.
to To_anonymous25 Jun 2008 13:14
I guess it shouldn't come as any surprise that Anonymous writes all the other postings that Maxim doesn't manage to get around writing, so I just wanted to thank her as well for such an enthusiastic contribution. She may be a split personality, and unfortunately Maxim seems to bring out the worst in her every time.
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