Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous05 Sep 2008 14:37
You write, "In the latest annals of stupidity, a gang of ethnic Estonians in northeastern Russia banded together to declare an "Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic" on the territory of their two farms and request recognition from the Russian Federation." From everything I have read the 2 farmers are from northeastern Estonia .
I also question your use of the term Estonian Russian. I would say Russian Estonian. There is a BIG difference. IMHO an Estonian Russian is someone who lives in Russia and has an Estonian heritage.
The Godfather11 Sep 2008 04:43
Hyphenated nationalities are a unique North American invention that came with the Pilgrims (in Canada there is another Genesis that explains how the country became "multicultural"). I live in Estonia, I grew up in the States, I don't identify myself in Estonia as an American-Estonian. I am an Estonian. Full stop.
Europe is not America.
Fearmongering my derriere. The whole Estonian SSR thing was a goof, an April Fool's thing designed to separate the gullible from the non-naive and to scare the easily scared.
Justin can claim there is no similarity between potential ethnic strife in Estonia and what happened in Georgia. How? Russia stirs the ethnic pot, having first massively colonized the Baltic States in contravention of international law, and plays the spoiler all over Eastern Europe, the former USSR and the former occupied Baltic States. Where, in significant degree, is the difference?
to godfather12 Sep 2008 13:16
do you think that the Economist is the gullible one then?
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