Action Estonia
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Eva V.24 Nov 2008 13:45
Whom do I make the cheque payable to? Action Estonia or Ottawa Rotary Club? Please clarify.
vastus Evale25 Nov 2008 07:38
Cheque to be made out to Action Estonia, sent to the Embassy, and the Rotary Club sends it along. Hea, et oled nõus olulist aktsiooni toetama!
Anonymous24 Nov 2008 14:09
This is a very worthy charity, to be kept in mind even in this day when we all suffer from donor fatigue.
The Pastor Ants Tooming is associated with it. He is familiar to many in Toronto.
The Lord loves a generous giver.
Peeter Bush25 Nov 2008 07:39
Please make cheques payable to Action Estonia.
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