Inconvenient truths
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
basrboaenft;16 Apr 2009 16:45
why politicians should be so depended on and involved with the economy is still suprising to me. at first and second world countries.
Maxim20 Apr 2009 07:27
We were right all along! It was the other side that managed to shout loud enough to fool the public. However, just as the truth behind totalitarian societies get a rap around the knuckles once the 30 year truce gets lifted on tough information, so it is that slowly-ever so slowly-we are forced against a wall of truth that conspiracy theories not only purport to tell the truth, they are a statement of truth that shakes the foundations of societie's institutional conundrums. Unfortunately, the truth of CP-s has even managed to unleash a few hidden aspects of political life in the good ol' US of A. Mediocrity must be stamped out for good, and thank goodness we have CP's to get us started, or else they are just about the best means get to the bottom of anything.
to - Maxim de la Trine20 Apr 2009 13:47
There are dozens of conspiracy theories floating about on just about everything from Elvis sightings, UFO abductions, to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The problem is: how to choose among them? Is it the Jews or the Freemasons that actually rule the world?
Only someone as gullible, stupid and insane as Maxim de la Trine can believe them all.
describing your thinking !21 Apr 2009 07:33
it is obvious you had a tough time with grade 1 arithmetic
to - Maxim de la Trine21 Apr 2009 12:46
The illuminati newsletter gets about 100 visitors per month, according to its own figures.

Maxime de la Trine is one of them. I'm surprised that there are 99 others in this world like him.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to - Maxim de la Trine (13:47)
Maxim21 Apr 2009 16:16
Fact is that we recognize you for what you are-an intellectual fraud! If you were genuine, you would agree that CT have been a conduit for solving a lot of problems for over 6 decades. By supporting the opposition on this one, you are merely crediting the corrupt forces that already have an upper hand in our societies, such as the Freemasons etc. Perhaps you could explain how it is that you have arrived at your conclusions of choosing to believe not to believe anything.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Maxim (07:27)
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