The Great American Bubble Machine
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
rott08 Jul 2009 14:37
hiir08 Jul 2009 20:14
And when you have finished this expose of greedy profiteers, inside trading and scamming those gullible taxpayers read Ronald Wright's "What is America? A Short History of the New World Order." The delusions of endless growth and denial of natural limits have taken their most virulent form in the United States with bankers like Goldman Sachs leading the way. The economy has become a tyranny and the supposed "rights" of capital trump those of sovereignty, ecology and future generations. Globalization is a feeding frenzy and that is exactly what the greedy banksters want, ignoring social harmony and thinking short term. The doctrine of financial imperialism has long replaced the idealistic principles of democratic nationalism.

Wright also addresses the propaganda of terrorism which became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The "excuse" of 9/11 provided Cheney et all with the reasons to go to war with Iraq, creating a terrorist threat in a country that had not been one. The Saudis should have been bombed to smithereens under Cheney's logic. But that is grist for another mill...
nirk09 Jul 2009 13:55
Let the looting continue
Wingnuts09 Jul 2009 14:52
Only fools would disagree that it's so-some people never know-da da da daaaa..da daaa da da da daaaa etc.
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