Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Ignatius Birbe25 Sep 2002 02:37
Mr. Söödor has now written several articles critisizing this book.

I personally would much rather have read ONE objective review rather than a series of articles that do nothing more than zero in on specific points which Mr. Söödor does not agree with.

Especially this last bit:
Kasekamp implies ... sheer nonsense ... seems to be nothing more than nitpicking about the dictionary definition of the word permanent.

I wonder:

Is there ANYTHING that Mr. Söödor liked about this book.

Does Mr. Söödor have a personal grudge of some sort against Mr. Kasekamp?

How many more such articles is Mr Söödor planning to write?

How many more such articles is Eesti Elu planning on publishing?
book agent25 Sep 2002 19:12
I guess Mr. Söödor plans to publish his own book pretty soon, he doesn't seem to lack material :-)
M. Tiido27 Sep 2002 22:30
For what its worth, I agree Päts was not a dictatorin his intent. His style of leadership was a homespun necessity in a newly, abruptly formed nation.
Connie Loaf30 Sep 2002 11:45
I thought that Ignatius Pirbe had been dead for years.if he is alve he shold at least know how to spell his name?
Publications like the NationalJournalk and NYT Book reviews often dedicate lenghty reviews to short books. I'd guess that the length of this series has something to do with the lack of room allocated for the newsprint version of Eesti Gripe. May account for repetition in the series. So far seems to be juducious, well thought out, give the man a rit to his views. Or, like Päts apply censorship?
Usku Matu01 Oct 2002 05:57
Paistab nagu saabub uus aasta ennem kui see jama lõpeb!
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