Address by Minister Van Loan at Friends of Canada Symposium
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Huh?07 Jun 2010 09:02
There isn't a single mention of Estonia in this text nor is there any connection with this community. Why is it here? Does the paper have an editorial policy or does it just reprint whatever is sent their way? Please let your readers know.
Lighten up08 Jun 2010 06:27
One guesses that Bryon Wilfert did not give a speech this week, and that is why you have a bee in your bonnet, huh?
Yup.08 Jun 2010 09:47
Funny, just read last week that Wilfert spoke in Kandahar (that's in Afghanistan in case you didn't know) about the ISAF mission there and made yet another glowing remark about Estonia's largest per-capita contribution to the mission. What a jerk! Glad that the EE doesn't publish anything that that those guys do or say about Estonia. Who needs friends when we've got humpty dumpty waxing nostalgic about kringel and grandmothers in our corner! Canadians may not give a hoot, but I do! Bless the Christian Conservative gods: how I love that canned syrupy goop!
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