Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Unistatakse Eesti Nokiast, aga respekteeritud rahvusvahelise mainega orkestrit ja dirigenti demoraliseeritakse.
Ja miks?
"ERSO tegevuskulud on 4,3 protsenti kasvanud. Ministeerium nõudis ERSO-lt eelarve vastavas mahus kärpimist, kuid kuna orkester seda ei teinud, vallandas Jänes esmaspäeval Siitani."
"Estonia’s inflation rate climbed more than expected to the highest level in 22 months in October, driven by higher prices for food.
Consumer prices rose 4.7 percent from a year earlier, the biggest increase since December 2008, following a 4 percent rise the previous month, the Tallinn-based statistics office said on its website today. The median estimate of four analysts surveyed by Bloomberg was for an inflation rate of 4.4 percent."
Ja miks?
"ERSO tegevuskulud on 4,3 protsenti kasvanud. Ministeerium nõudis ERSO-lt eelarve vastavas mahus kärpimist, kuid kuna orkester seda ei teinud, vallandas Jänes esmaspäeval Siitani."
"Estonia’s inflation rate climbed more than expected to the highest level in 22 months in October, driven by higher prices for food.
Consumer prices rose 4.7 percent from a year earlier, the biggest increase since December 2008, following a 4 percent rise the previous month, the Tallinn-based statistics office said on its website today. The median estimate of four analysts surveyed by Bloomberg was for an inflation rate of 4.4 percent."
Please note that already last year as director of the company, Andres Siitan was being proactive by attempting to meet with Minister Janes to seek possible solutions for the planned budget cutbacks.
As Siitan pointed out, the cutbacks were too severe and difficult to impose, since the orchestra had already committed to performances, it sought ways to incorporate cuts but preserve streams of revenue. After repeated attempts to seek a meeting with the Minister, and her failure to acknowledge his attempts, Siitan then began to approach the broader assembly on Toompea and the broader Estonian musical profession for guidance and support. As Siitan himself acknowledged, he is in part at fault for placing too much trust in the empty promises of the politicians he met. Meanwhile, Minister Janes continued to ignore his requests to meet and ultimately those empty promises came to haunt him six months later.
Yes, money will always be an issue, especially during an economic downturn, but for the Ministry of Culture to ignore its collective, and decline to seek solutions is unacceptable. Minister Janes simply has got to go...
As Siitan pointed out, the cutbacks were too severe and difficult to impose, since the orchestra had already committed to performances, it sought ways to incorporate cuts but preserve streams of revenue. After repeated attempts to seek a meeting with the Minister, and her failure to acknowledge his attempts, Siitan then began to approach the broader assembly on Toompea and the broader Estonian musical profession for guidance and support. As Siitan himself acknowledged, he is in part at fault for placing too much trust in the empty promises of the politicians he met. Meanwhile, Minister Janes continued to ignore his requests to meet and ultimately those empty promises came to haunt him six months later.
Yes, money will always be an issue, especially during an economic downturn, but for the Ministry of Culture to ignore its collective, and decline to seek solutions is unacceptable. Minister Janes simply has got to go...
Maailmas on majanduskriis. Kõik kärbivad, aga Järvi saab üksi sama suurt palka, kui kogu orkester. Eks neid orkestri ees kepiga vehkijaid leiab ka Eestist, kes arvastavad Eesti oludega.
Eesti majanduslik seis on kajuks praegu selline, et paljude erialade tippspetsialistidele pole võimalik maailmatasemel palka maksta ja maailmatasemel töötingimusi tagada. Maailmas on ehk see ka kombeks, et dirigendi ja orkestrantide palgad on mingis mõistlikus proportsioonis ja Eestis on teisigi tipptasemel muusikakollektiive, kes rahapuuduses vaevlevad.
Mis riiklik orkester saab olla ERSO?
Palka maksab riik. Pillid on isiklikud. Nii pille kui mitmes kohas omal käel kaval-tarku raha eest mängijaid peab ülal-toidab-katab loll maksumaksja.
Loll maksumaksja kannab ka küsitava väärtusega Detroidi orkestrijuhi reisimise ja puhkamise kulud?
Loomulik, et ta tahab hea tasu eest head ja, peaasi, ka ausat tööd: tööd, mis väärib tasu.
Tööd, mis KIIDAB tegijat.
Mitte vastupidi.
Palka maksab riik. Pillid on isiklikud. Nii pille kui mitmes kohas omal käel kaval-tarku raha eest mängijaid peab ülal-toidab-katab loll maksumaksja.
Loll maksumaksja kannab ka küsitava väärtusega Detroidi orkestrijuhi reisimise ja puhkamise kulud?
Loomulik, et ta tahab hea tasu eest head ja, peaasi, ka ausat tööd: tööd, mis väärib tasu.
Tööd, mis KIIDAB tegijat.
Mitte vastupidi.
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