Honourary Consul General of Estonia's Annual Independence Day Diplomatic Reception VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
zzzzzzz....26 Feb 2011 12:56
...zzzzzzz. Could someone put Leviat back on doing the interviews? At least he know's something about real issues.
Listener26 Feb 2011 16:19
Of course! Leivat will be the interviewer as soon as Bob Rae is the interviewee.
.26 Feb 2011 13:43
Van Loan is a decent fellow with a head that is crewed on right. Everybody makes a big deal of his Estonian identity when, in reality, it's a bit of a stretch
...27 Feb 2011 16:55
There is no stretch -- his mother fled Estonia with his grandparents.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: peace (16:44)
To listener27 Feb 2011 11:12
As far as my memory serves me Leivat has interviewed Van Loan at least a half dozen times, Bob Rae only once, maybe never. So yes, it might be time for a Bob Rae interview to keep things fair.
Remember27 Feb 2011 12:19
For the record, during the period leading up to and following reindependence for the Baltic nations, Bob Rae was one of the most supportive and outspoken canadian politicians championing their cause.
Toomas Merilo27 Feb 2011 15:04
Peter van Loan makes many good points. Don’t forget, that he was Public Safety Minister (equivalent of US Homeland Security Chief) and really is competent in the area.

His points:

1. Estonia has a virtually irritant-free relationship with Canada (the lists of “irritants” with other countries run pages long)
2. how well local Estonians are integrated into the Canadian Economy with a good smattering of leaders in business
3. Cyber warfare and Estonia at the forefront with NATO centering its Cooperative Cyber Defence (CCD) Centre of Excellence in Tallinn
4. the Savisaar scandal, i.e. (requested) funding from Russia, is Estonia’s internal affair and up to the Estonian electorate to pass judgement upon
5. that elections in Estonia and our own (Toronto’s) involvement has become “pedestrian” i.e. elections no longer excite as much as they did just after liberation from the USSR. Democracy has matured in Estonia.
6. Alliances between democratic countries are important… NATO has a reason
I do only wish, that he’d realise, that one buttons up one’s suit jacket, when standing up – not when sitting down. But maybe Peter van Loan really really wants to continue that disarming Barney Rubble Flintstone era image… go figure.
Oh! Do watch the video… I have no idea about why the other commentators complain about Meiusi as an interviewer.
peace27 Feb 2011 16:44
I was happy to see Allan Meiusi interviewing Peter Van Loan - a fresh face, new blood at EE. We need more of this, so I hope Allan will continue.

Then I read your comment, and what a let down. Try honey, not vinegar. Meaning you should also give credit to the good stuff at EE.

For example, I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Eri Klas - I felt like I was right there in the room sharing an intimate "blast from the past" moment with the maetro. What a national treasure. Great interview.

Your "zzzzzz" signature indicates to me that you would like more hard hitting journalism. Please offer to do interviews...show them how it's done, if you are confident that you can do better. Offer to write articles. Let's build, not tear down.
State Run Media28 Feb 2011 07:16
<div class="deleted_comment">Kommentaar on kustutatud EE Online toimetuse poolt.
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Thank you for proving a point28 Feb 2011 09:15
<div class="deleted_comment">Kommentaar on kustutatud EE Online toimetuse poolt.
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Why is EE online censoring ..28 Feb 2011 10:53
Very sad for our community, that legitimate questions regarding the online version's agenda, balance and transparency are censored. One has to ask "why"? As Estonians, we spent decades fighting for freedom of speech and transparency - this sort of behaviour is very, very worrisome.
Toimetus28 Feb 2011 14:39
To the commentators of the 2 previous comments entered under the ID's "State Run Media" and "Thank you for priving a point" please feel free to re-enter your comments and they will remain online.
toimetuselt VS01 Mar 2011 09:00
1. KOMM: Odd that there was a newsworthy presentation at the event, yet no one has bothered to mention a word about that - just a poor quality photo without a caption.

2.KOMM: The video/content has the typical EE feel, the same as "state run" television in many authoritarian countries: heavily censored and speaking only about the ruling regime.

By deleting the previous post - you've proven the point that was being made. The post was critical of EE online's style of running this publication -seemingly- like state run media in many authoritarian countries: one perspective dominates reporting while others are censored - like the comment itself. Clearly the editor recognizes this, having censored the previous comment. Very sad. The community deserves better.

As for the coverage of the event, EE was not requested to attend the event itself. Arrangements were made only with Van Loan's office for an interview since he was in Toronto.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Toimetus (14:39)
more questions01 Mar 2011 11:40
Since EE was at the event, given the captionless grainy photograph, are readers to understand that EE made a concious decision to not report on the event itself? Because they were "not requested" to? Were they "requested" to do the interview but avoid the event? If so - by who? And why were the previous critical comments first censored? Very, very strange behaviour for "reporters".
korraldaja01 Mar 2011 11:50
As to the comment pertaining to whether or not EE was officially invited to the event. Eesti Elu was sent an invitation and thereby officially responded and chose to send their own official correspondent who was indeed present.
average Joe reading the paper01 Mar 2011 13:36
Listen, buddy, you've got way too much time on your hands.

Most people don't pay attention to the graininess of photos (I did go back to look at what you are getting at -- yes, grainy, but I really didn't notice until you pointed it out).

You might want to loosen a button on your shorts...and take a deep breath! There... feeling better?
No, the sky is not falling...
Speak_up04 Mar 2011 10:00
It is the above average reader that keeps the media on their toes. This is even more important when there is no competition.
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