Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Eestlastest ja lätlastest koosnenud politseipataljon "Ostland" tegutses Lvivi getos, põletas maha Žitomiri sünagoogi, valvas Babie Jaris jne.
"Ostlandi" baasil hakati moodustama Eesti ja Läti Leegione. Eesti Leegion, hilisem 20. SS - Diviis, moodustati Poolat okupeerinud väeosana Krakowi lähistel Debicas. Just "Ostlandi" mehed moodustasid peale rindeväljaõppe saamist pataljon "Narwa" tuumiku, mis saadeti Ukrainasse tagasi, seekord juba SS- Diviis "Wiking" koosseisu.
20. SS - Diviis löödi puruks samuti Poolas Opolie (Oppelni) lahingus.
"Ostlandi" baasil hakati moodustama Eesti ja Läti Leegione. Eesti Leegion, hilisem 20. SS - Diviis, moodustati Poolat okupeerinud väeosana Krakowi lähistel Debicas. Just "Ostlandi" mehed moodustasid peale rindeväljaõppe saamist pataljon "Narwa" tuumiku, mis saadeti Ukrainasse tagasi, seekord juba SS- Diviis "Wiking" koosseisu.
20. SS - Diviis löödi puruks samuti Poolas Opolie (Oppelni) lahingus.
Kas "Ostland" (Valgeveve, EEsti, Läti ja Leedu koondnimetus" teenis Punaarmee koosseisus, et valvas juba enne sõja puhkemist NKVD vange?
kes oled ja milleks puhud, igal juhul mitte metsavend , vaid provokaator..
Esimene eestlastest koosnenud väeosa Saksa politseijõudude koosseisus moodustati Berliini lähedal asunud Stansdorfi õppelaagris 1941. asta 6. juulil, hiljem viidi üle Frankfurti, Oderi ääres asunud "Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD" väljaõppelaagrisse,
slaughter – 6-8 November 1941 – 15÷21.000 victims – Jews
slaughter – July 1942 – about 5.000 victims – Jews
Polizei-Bataillon 33 (also Polizei-Bataillon "Ostland") was a militarised unit of the German Ordnungspolizei in World War II. The battalion originated in Stahnsdorf, and was formed up at Frankfurt an der Oder in August 1941.[1] It arried out punitive duties.[2][verification needed] According to the researcher Rolf Michaelis who is referring to the SS-Hauptamt's document No. 8699/42, the Polizei-Bataillon 33 resided in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine in 1941-1942 and took part of the executions of the Jews. As reported in May, 1942, 1,000 Jews were executed in Minsk; as reported on July 15, 1942 another thousand Jews were executed in the same place; as reported on June 27, 1942, 4,000 Jews were executed near the town of Słonim; as reported on July 28, 1942, 6,000 Jews were executed in Minsk.
slaughter – 6-8 November 1941 – 15÷21.000 victims – Jews
slaughter – July 1942 – about 5.000 victims – Jews
Polizei-Bataillon 33 (also Polizei-Bataillon "Ostland") was a militarised unit of the German Ordnungspolizei in World War II. The battalion originated in Stahnsdorf, and was formed up at Frankfurt an der Oder in August 1941.[1] It arried out punitive duties.[2][verification needed] According to the researcher Rolf Michaelis who is referring to the SS-Hauptamt's document No. 8699/42, the Polizei-Bataillon 33 resided in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine in 1941-1942 and took part of the executions of the Jews. As reported in May, 1942, 1,000 Jews were executed in Minsk; as reported on July 15, 1942 another thousand Jews were executed in the same place; as reported on June 27, 1942, 4,000 Jews were executed near the town of Słonim; as reported on July 28, 1942, 6,000 Jews were executed in Minsk.
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