Eesti. T.H. Ilvese teeb murelikuks ...... (viide)
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous30 Jan 2002 08:51
Thank you for finally giving us the links we need to get further news and information. Would it be possible to have an onscreen column with links to Estonian newspapers, with the future prospect of having links to tourism bureaus, government agencies, consulates etc. in Estonia?
Anonymous30 Jan 2002 09:30
All published links are free advertising. I can see links to consulates or to any other state owned organizations (or to non-profit organizations). But NEVER links to Fox News or vice versa. It would be nice to get some links up here that are relevant to Estonians living abroad, but I can't see it happening in respect to other newspapers. And BTW, Playboy prohibits including their link in any webpage without prior consent. They view it as getting a free ride on their trademark.
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