Prime Minister Stephen Harper highlights Government's 2012 achievements
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
So What ?01 Jan 2013 11:36
What is EWR's fascination with Harper and the Conservatives? He's not my Prime Minister nor does he represent me.
Mulcair01 Jan 2013 16:02
Tom's my man, but face the facts my dear. Harper may not be your prime minster of preference but he is in fact the elected leader of this country's government, a country where you still choose to reside; hence, he IS your PM. It could be argued actually that EWR is performing a public service by posting the PM's press releases, as the left-leaning mainstream media (i.e. The Star) certainly does not let the populace on about these things.... And we live in a democracy? At least you have the freedom to grumble, even if misguidedly and showing partisanship, the refuge of the narrow-minded...
?01 Jan 2013 21:34
Public service? Sounds like the loony publishers are trying to justify their typical gross lack of journalistic integrity.
Emil02 Jan 2013 11:15
Lapsukesed, miks te kemplete? Ma ei salli oravaid, veel vähem Ansipi - kuid kes on Eesti peaminister? Austan instututsiooni, kuigi ei unusta, et Tartus oli Ansip punaste käsutäitja, saatis koerad rahvuslikult häälestatud noorte kallale. Ei talu ka sotsi, riigi presidenti. Kuid austan institutsiooni. Kanadas puudub vist arusaam institutsioonide osatähtsusest vabas riigis. Või on esmahaliseja tõesti pime? Ta komm pole mitte ainult lapsik vaid näitab ka selgelt mingit viha EWRi toimetuse vastu. Mulcair võinuks oma kommis ka tagasihoidlikumalt juhtida tähelepanu meediamõjule.

Usaldan Eesti rahvast ja riiki, eks kunagi langetame ka valimiskasti ees parema otsuse. Kanadas aga te kemplete põhjuseta. Kahju.
Toomas Merilo05 Jan 2013 20:37
“So What” [i][i] wrote: [i]“What is EWR's fascination with Harper and the Conservatives? He's not my Prime Minister nor does he represent me.”[i]

This comment was equally eloquently refuted by (pseudonym) “Mulcair” as well as “Emil”.

Neither, however, explicitly mentions that Harper did win a majority. Of significance is that commentator, [i]“So What”[i], explicitly says Harper is not his Prime Minister (and thus, presumably, that the current Parliament “does not represent him/her”).

[i]“So What”[i] is part of a growing and worrying movement that rejects democratic election results (if the election does not go their way).
Libertarian07 Jan 2013 06:06
"So what" has every right to express his/her political views in this country. Just as you have the right to insinuate that this person is unpatriotic for articulating their view.
Just as this private weblinks/blog site can unabashedly regurgitate unrelated PMO decrees and statements and run the risk of sounding like a government mouthpiece rather than the "newspaper" they so desperately want to be perceived as.
?07 Jan 2013 08:03
"democratic election results" don't mean much when the winning candidates turn out to be total liars
Harper says he will not end income trusts - does the opposite
if you want a "better" democracy, national/provincial/local referendums must be initiated for hot point subjects
What the...10 Jan 2013 06:36
Hillarious: 7 EWR readers hate freedom of speech. Telling.
Also strange that 20+ people like the other Putinesque, anti-freedom of speech comments. Don't think this website has anywhere close to that many viewers. If you spent more time on actual journalism rather than spam clicking your own comments, you might actual have a newspaper with original content. LOL!
Nice07 Jan 2013 11:59
Harper Awarded Russian Person of The Year

Canada Celebrates 70 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Russia
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