The Kremlin: Crimea is ours and nobody else has any rights to it! Estonian Life
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
cheap propaganda03 Mar 2019 09:28
Most of what Leivat is saying about Crimean Tatars is absurdly wrong. How many Tatars left Crimea after Russian annexation? Leivat says in one place "35,000 have been forced to leave" and in another "Tens of thousands of Tatars have fled north to various parts of Ukraine". Where did he take these insane numbers? According to Wikipedia, only 2000 Crimean Tatars moved to Ukraine or 1% of them. And he is trying to say that Crimean Tatars are minority because of Putin's annexation? An absurd claim, that happened in 18-19 century Russian empire. Leivat says he will write about Crimean Estonians next time? I am curious about what lies he intends to tell about that? Crimean Estonians are well known to be notoriously pro Russian in the recent conflict. Also, Crimean Estonians moved there during czarist genocide against Tatars, into places where native peoples were killed or forced to leave. How is Leivat going to make it into sob story where Crimean Estonians and Tatars are angels and Russians evil? We will see.
Feb. 27, 195404 Mar 2019 11:35
What other Soviet era agreements does this author agree with?

Nikita Khrushchev gave Ukraine the gift of Crimea because of the guilt he had for having starved/killed over 7 million fellow Ukrainians in the Holomodor of the 1930s.

"Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferring Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic, taking into account the integral character of the economy, the territorial proximity and the close economic ties between Crimea Province and the Ukraine Republic, and approving the joint presentation of the Presidium of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet and the Presidium of the Ukraine Republic Supreme Soviet on the transfer of Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic."
How far back do we go?04 Mar 2019 18:38
Such territorial disputes are impossible to resolve.
Estonia was a part of the Russian empire for more than 200 years. Does that have any implications for the present day? I hope not.
Before that, the Swedes in place.
Who's claims have priority? No one can say! And before that ....
04 Mar 2019 22:14
Tartu 1920
Putin's troll05 Mar 2019 08:46
And what exactly is Estonia? It is Tallinn(Revel) governorate to which were added northern parts of Riga governorate and a small area from Pskov governorate. The only reason these areas were merged was the language that was spoken there. Nothing else. Never in history had Tartu been governed from Tallinn before, it was always Riga. So Estonia was founded based on principles of self determination and ethnic boundaries. Based on these principles, Crimea is Russia. Nobody can deny that they speak Russian in Crimea and not Ukrainian. Even the size of population in Crimea is the same as it was in Estonia 1918. If you deny the right of self determination and ethnic boundaries in Crimea, then you basically also deny Estonia's right to become independent in 1918.
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