Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE) tutvustas täna oma ministrikandidaate. Postimehes
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lugeja10 Apr 2019 10:58
Samal lehel:

It begins: AfD now second largest German party, while Merkel loses majority
The source?10 Apr 2019 12:49
Was just curious about the reference and found this. I did go to the site mentioned and was surprised at its contents. (Voice of Europe)
The ' news' was such which created mistrust of immigrants and made Europe seem like a scary place to be.
Have no idea about the reliability of media bias fact check, although did see positive reviews.
*10 Apr 2019 14:50
Any 'media checking' source on this list has biased, dubious credentials.
You may not like what VOE communicates, however it reflects what the people of Europe are living through. This also explains why European voters are switching to 'conservative nationalist' parties across the continent.
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