President Kaljulaid: Please Stand for the Rule of Law in Moscow
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
lugeja18 Apr 2019 08:03
Spot on mr. Estam.
Lembit Tork, Tallinn.18 Apr 2019 08:24
Thanks Jüri! This one's a particularly brilliant piece. Looking for an answer to Estonia's forever question: 'where is our reality-aware, independent, original, indigenous voice? Ingenious enough to turn heads!?' I hope the Foreign Ministry has you under close observation. You've helped explain some of our weird and foggy recent history; Our leadership's mysterious Stockholm Syndrome concession obsession. Unnecessary? Perhaps it's high time to up the embassy curcuit cocktail party talk. A splendid suggestion. A case deftly put. 'A Wake-up Call: Estonia and the Others Shouldn’t Let Themselves be Dictated by the Nineties Any More'. Yes. Why not buck a mere trend in political fashion? That's an original way of looking at it. Here's another: A rare opportunity waiting for 'the Right Stuff'. Do we have it? Does she? Practically tailor-made for president Kaljulaid to put herself - and Estonia - into the history books. The role writes itself. Standing up for international law. 'And for others too'. The Little Nation (Engine) That Could. Because what might go right should far exceed what could go wrong. We're not exactly going to win back our annexed territories with force. Estonia only has her diplomacy and wits. 'Stepping out of bounds', our good President would make a powerful international symbol out of Estonia. Eclipsing skype, our other fabled start-ups, and e-nation boasts combined. A little bit of homegrown chutzpah, self-confidence and situation-awareness now, could go a long way.
Let sleeping dogs lie.18 Apr 2019 19:43
The Estonian Government has no right to negotiate borders. That would violate the Constitution.
What seperates Estonia (and the EU) from Russia, today, is "an administrative partition" (whatever that is). To establish a border, Estonia needs a constitutional amendment and, then, negotiations with Russia based on the 1920 Treaty of Tartu as the starting point.
The Treaty established Estonia's sovereignty -- in perpetuity (sic!) Russia's Government didn't act in good faith then. Why expect it now.
In time, Russia might become a civilized country.
Alternatively, reclaiming the 5% lost territory, comes with even more unassimilable Russians to clamour for official bilingualism and other 'civil rights'.
Estonians -- beware!19 Apr 2019 15:28
Well before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in a book, 'From Under the Rubble', that it will take 50 years for Russian culture to recover from the damage done to it by the ruling Communist Party.
He was probably correct. We're just past half-way, now, and haven't seen much change. Russia remains the mafia-state that it was under the Soviets.
What's in it for Estonia to negotiate a border treaty? The Treaty of Tartu, was broken in 1939. Russia will not re-commit to it, even on paper.
Russia wants a vassal state where Russians would have their proper "civil rights". That would amount to re-occupation.
An impossible treaty!21 Apr 2019 10:27
A Russian/Estonian border treaty was almost ratified, a few years ago, but the Russians backed out, at the last minute, after the Estonians had included a reference to the Soviet occupation in the preamble.
No treaty is possible, where the parties can't agree on the most basic of facts.
Lembit Tork, Tallinn.19 Apr 2019 02:25
Igal juhul, Jüri, soovitan kirjutist eesti keelde tõlkida. Mida arvad 'let sleeping dogs lie' ideest? Kas 'riigipiiri probleem' on elevant elutoas mis ühel heal päeval haihtub ära iseenesest? Või, kas praegune viisakas ignoreerimine võimaldabki Pandora laeka avamist? Sest Tartu Rahu pidev 'unustamine' ei ole vaid Eesti igapäevane eksistentsiaalne must komöödia. Ülikondades ja seelikutes karakteritega, kes panevad naerma. Tegelikult tähendab see 'Eesti riigi sünnitunnistuse' ära viskamist, nagu üks su lugejatest just kommenteeris. Väga tõsine lugu. Ma ei saa aru mis selles nii raske aru saada on, et meie riigiametnikud keelduvad asjaga otseselt tegelemast. 'Käed seotud'? Okei kallid filmi tsenaristid, next step, mondo conspiratorio: Olukorra mõistmatus ja näiline idootsus, sunnib meid kastist välja. Otse lähiminevikku. Salalepetele. Teate ikka. Tegemist ei ole idiootidega. Pigem suurte absurdide taga on peidumängud. Mõelgem Oscar Wilde-ile. Eduard Vildele. Ei saa olla? Aga mis oli Molotov-Ribbentropi pakt? Ikka päris asi, mis toimiskii kõrgemal, avalikustamata (ja suuremjagu ametnikele teadmata) orbiidil. Miks ei saaks nii olla, et sibula sisemisel ringil pannakse juriidilised mehhanismid-pretsedendid paika, mis garanteerivad Eesti maha parseldamist Venemaale? Voila: see oleks siis Tartu Rahu 'ära kaotamise' müstiline tähendus. Mida saab keegi tulevikus enam vastu väita, kui 'Eesti riiki pole kunagi päriselt olnudki'? Aga miks seda teha? Kes võiks olla selle poolt? Vastus on 'child's play'. Nimelt, nagu puidust mänguklotsi asetamine õigesse auku, mahub selline 'plot development' päris kenasti inimkonna suureima 'loomuliku ja paratamatu' helge visiooni raamidesse. Justkui Aleksander Suure mõnusaimasse unenäkku? Nimelt, kindla, tasapidise, järk-järgulise plaanikohaselt moodustatakse ära - ja kohe meie imestavate silmade ees - see Suur Venemaa. Puhtalt. Esteetilise tervikuna. 'From Baltic to Bering Sea'. Merest mereni. Paras klots. Paralleelselt (mahub ilusti kõrvale), siledaks lihvitud Euroopa Ühendriikidega. Superklots. Klassika. Eastasia, Eurasia, Oceania ja 'contested territory'. Jah. Järjest konsolideeritakse, kuni lõpuks on kas siis 5, 4 või 3 'bloc'i. Siis 2. Ja täitsa lõpus mondialistide Püha Graal: üks tsentraalse valitsusega piirideta maailm. Edaspidiselt Star Trek. Rooli taga kapten Yanis Varoufakis? Nii saavutataksegi üleilmne rahu ja sõdade lõpp. Või, halbade näitelejate ilmingu puhul: totalitaarne düstoopia. Riskiga mäng on loomulikult kõige põnevam. Nii see käib ulmeromaanis. Loomulikult ei olnud see Välisministeeriumi jutt meie tublile, raamatupidajast presidendile, kelle kohtumisest Putiniga loodame vaid head.
Negotiations...19 Apr 2019 08:16
...of any sort can only proceed from some common agreement. For border negotiations between Russia and Estonia, there is little. I'd say none!
From the Russian perspective, territories once held by Russia are rightfully theirs, forever! The 1920 Treaty of Tartu didn't nullify this principle because it was established by 'force majeure'. Moreover, Russia liberated Estonia from Nazi occupation some years later.
If they had any sense, the Estonians would be grateful. They would also acknowledge their own insignificance as recognise the greatness of Russia, particularly as it was augmented by the Communists.
From the Estonian%@!#$& the Russians are the first victims of communists who destroyed the basis of Western Civilization in that God forsaken territory. Moreover, the Estonians are entitled to independence just like any other nation.
From the Estonian%@!#$& the...19 Apr 2019 08:37
...should read "From the Estonian perspective the..."
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Negotiations... (08:16)
Russian talking points:20 Apr 2019 15:02
(1) Russians say: our troops entered Estonia, in 1939, an a part of a Mutual Defence Pact.
Estonians say: this was established by the credible threat of military force.
(2) Russians say: our troops liberated Estonia from Nazi occupation.
Estonians: Why did you stay for 50 years?
(3) Russians say: a delegation from the Estonian Government applied to Stalin for admission to the USSR.
Estonians say: the delegation didn't represent the cross-section of public preferences, freely elected.
(4) Russians say: Estonia willingly stayed in the USSR, for 50 years, with all of its Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms -- including the Right of National Self-Determination!
Estonians say: Jüri Kukk, Enn Tarto and Mart Niklus were among thousands who exercised their Constututionally guaranteed freedom to speak. Niklus went to prison for "disseminating non-existent facts". Tarto sawed logs in a Siberian "corrective labour" camp. Kukk died in a transit prison before he could join him.
Even after re-independence, Estonians couldn't mouth off. The Russian Army remained in place, for three years, and the huge Russian population that replaced Estonians deported to Siberia, had their "civil rights" guarded by Government in Moscow.
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