Igaühe toetus on tähtis! Peetri kirik - meie püha paik EESTI ELU
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
What Does & Doesn't Make Sense12 Dec 2020 22:49
I thank the volunteer working group for initiating this effort. It makes sense to preserve what is an architectural and Estonian cultural gem ,and I intend to donate. It would have made sense not to sell the Dinnick Cres. house. It would be worth 3x as much now. It does not makes sense to claim the church will go bankrupt. Peetri Kirik has more than sufficient $ in the bank , and certainly it would not make sense to sell in such an unholy haste or at all. The value of the church property itself will only increase once the LRT is completed .In fact, it makes no sense for the juhatus and pastor to contemplate any of this during a pandemic . It would however, make sense not to resurrect the kiriku rist, if trying to save money. It is not necessary to the function of Peetri Kirik.
It does not make sense ,that the pastor of Peetri Kirik would tell congregants that it is time to sell the church. What kind of a pastor ,priest, preacher or rabbi for that matter, would ever want to sell their church or place of worship?
That , REALLY doesn't make sense.
rkomendant@studiok.ca18 Dec 2020 12:43
AMEN one who writes sense!
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