Ukraina president Zelenski Eestis VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Lumpy11 Jan 2024 15:56
Kòik vàga tore. Kui tiblad oleks Eestisse tunginud. Ukrainlased poleks appi tulnud, lihtsameelsed...
Momo21 Jan 2024 08:38
Need tiblad kes ukrainasse tungivad sinu relvavennad. Ise teenisid vene sõjaváeas ja proovisid afgaani rahvast hävitada. Kurb et sind kohtuseprotsessi ei sa viia.
Andrii Derkach11 Jan 2024 16:17
- first to provide evidence of international corruption and influence peddling by Joe Biden in Ukraine
- hard evidence that Burisma Holding paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying.
- "who speak aloud about Biden’s corruption in Ukraine are in danger of physical elimination"

"Zelensky,15 Jan 2024 14:23
the man who is carrying the Globalist flag ... should be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland ... the so-called ‘peace plan’ is meant to be presented not to the other warring party, but to donors ..."

Pankurite pai poiss.

Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Andrii Derkach (16:17)
Notice to readers16 Jan 2024 16:37
The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.
Lump17 Jan 2024 07:05
Far-right ja far-right. Loll mòla.
Far-left juba arrestib reporters nagu KGB. Trudeau on vàljaehitanud kommunistliku reziimi...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (15:56)
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