St. Peter’s Congregational Council Response
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Silent majority18 Apr 2024 06:43
Well done Talvi! Spot on!
Mork18 Apr 2024 06:50
FOSP got called out and they dont like it. Hilarious.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Silent majority (06:43)
Petya18 Apr 2024 08:54
Anyone else see the irony in THIS group of characters complaining about misinformation?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Silent majority (06:43), Mork (06:50)
The actual silent majority18 Apr 2024 11:04
Would the “silent majority” post three different times under three different names? The silent majority is actually fed up with this screeching mob that fails to accept that this new group is actually making some surprisingly positive progress with the congregation.
Muigab18 Apr 2024 12:05
This "new group" is actually making some surprisingly positive progress with the congregation like for instance it's doing a fine job of lying, twisting facts, taking phrases out of context, ignoring important details, being totally opaque on highly important things, and to top it off, misquoting the Bible. But what would you expect from people who have no clue about how to conduct themselves during church services?
huviline18 Apr 2024 13:49
Please provide the specific verse for "misquoting the Bible".
Beware the liars18 Apr 2024 15:51
It’s very sad that there has been some misinformation on both sides. But among the most dishonest has been the effort to manipulate and scaremonger with the lie that that the roof replacement would cost $1.5m. The person who made this claim is either an utter moron or a manipulative liar - not unlike a Donald Trump!
Would like to see18 Apr 2024 17:52
both sides working together to keep the church. I still don´t understand why some so desperately want to be rid of the church. I am starting to think that there are deeper psychological reasons for this going back to traumas from childhood and youth.
We are a very diverse community and should allow differences to exist. The idea of losing another cultural venue is frightening as it forces people together who should have space to exist as they are. We will see people leave our community if we don´t have alternative spaces...
I think back to when Tartu College was founded and how it gave another space for younger Estonians to exist. Now its time to ensure that Peetri kirik continues to exist and develop as another alternative space.
I think some may feel threatened by the continued existence of an Estonian cultural venue other than Tartu College. We should be relieved that we are not all forced into the same space as many were in the past.
Please step back and be happy that we have a group of people willing to work to save Peetri kirik.
We complain that we don´t have volunteers and now that we do have volunteers we don´t know how to appeciate them.
Where is the original article?18 Apr 2024 21:18
It’s seems highly unethical to publish a response to something that has never been posted or appeared on this website.
Wisdom or patent envy?19 Apr 2024 04:26
The English is paywalled but you’re not missing much. There’s some raging language, it’s no icon of Christian serenity, but Dr. Talvi’s piece boils down to turn-of-the-century (last century, the early 1900’s) propriety that Stephen Leacock lampooned in his Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, and to activity-envy. Under the direction of the last council, in contrast to all other Estonian churches in Canada, St. Peter’s described its limited ongoing programs to the CRA merely as “operate a church and its related activities”. The Congregational Council Response clarifies legal, administrative, and yes, monetary issues (Leacock would be impressed). At the same time it provides an enlightening update regarding the actual work of the church’s new council and the church’s manifold rise in activities. It’s excellent, if that’s your interest.

You can easily copy and machine translate the piece by Dr. Talvi, it’s not what anyone would call nuanced. Only the owner and publisher of Estonian Life, not an editor, would publish such a rant.
Dante19 Apr 2024 06:55
To call Talvi’s article a rant is childish and immature, but par for the course for you people. Her arguments are steeped in fact, again, something your sort knows nothing about. The fact is FOSP was called out, exposed, busted if you will. The responsible thing here would be for them to own it, rather than cower behind RT style propaganda. But again, you people are simply executing the only playbook you know. Very sad, but there is always forgiveness if you have the courage to ask.
To Dante19 Apr 2024 11:43
Dante’s reference about “you people” is all you need to know. It is a dog whistle term often used by racists to marginalize others. In this case it is used to cast-out and marginalize anyone who disagrees with this small but vocal anti-church group.
to Wisdom19 Apr 2024 14:55
Interesting is, that 6 of the 9 2015 St. Peter's directors, comprised all 6 directors of the 2023 'sell the church' board. One went to the 'future' committee pushing for the sale of the church, and one was the minister/ringleader who was quite sad when the final vote failed, saying '$20 million thrown to the ground', but he still got his ELCIC pension!
Very interesting also was: Charitable programs + Gifts to other charities: $300,743, which also should be reviewed.
Alfons21 Apr 2024 11:40
It seems highly unethical to comment without knowing facts. Uninformed opinion is rife in this stream of negativity. As far as one is aware Eesti Elu submits material to EWR. EWR respects copyright it seems, as well it should. The original articles and the response were published both online at and in the newspaper’s print issues. Without knowing the facts one might guess that Talvi Maimets did not submit her opinion to EWR, knowing that this site receives comments while EE does not. For the newspaper will not post comments without knowing the identity of the person wishing to comment. Hence, those who enjoy anonymously slinging mud without being aware of what really had taken place enjoy posting here. Civil discussion is an endangered animal thanks to what anonymous commenters are allowed to submit. Thankfully there are filters. The first of those is one’s own brain. It is truly a shame that some choose to not think, sort out the issues and ask reasoned questions instead of being influenced by perceived wrongs. No need to divide the communities further with such “rants”, although even that word is being misused here.
Kerge on hukka mõista, tarvis on mõista.
Agreed21 Apr 2024 14:06
"sort out the issues and ask reasoned questions" ... and once that is done, and the congregation sees that it is on solid financial footing going forward, everyone will agree that there is no reason to sell the church. Then the congregation can come together in the home that its early members built.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: huviline (13:49)
Muigab20 Apr 2024 08:14
FOSP you can't handle the truth!
W.Johanson21 Apr 2024 12:10
Before you move on, may I suggest you all think about the other's dignity as human beings. Start by reading the recent document "Dignitas Infinata": It's about an hour read and may be helpful for getting a fresh start.
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