Canadians boo US national anthem during hockey game in Ottawa VIDEO
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dissatisfaction?02 Feb 2025 09:12
dissatisfaction?02 Feb 2025 10:20
Booing Canadian hockey fans let Americans know we aren’t buddies anymore. "Sports is where Canada can remind them that at least one non-enemy no longer thinks they are a shining beacon. We think they’re acting like idiots and embarrassing themselves. It’s time for someone to take America’s car keys away and call them a cab. They’re ruining the party... The details of U.S. party politics don’t make any difference to the Canadian family whose main breadwinner is about to get laid off as a result of actions by the U.S. government.

…Where a million speeches will be ignored, a proper booing at a hockey game will not. A booing at an NBA or MLB game is even bigger news. A booing at an NBA playoff game might top ESPN.

Is that productive? No, of course not.

We’re not dealing with productive people at the moment. We’re dealing with bullies and know-nothings. They are trying to cow us. That will set the terms for whatever negotiation follows, even if that negotiation is years from now. It’s up to us to decide whether or not we want to be cowed."

Cathal Kelly, Globe and Mail Feb 2
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: dissatisfaction? (09:12)
Onu Sam04 Feb 2025 14:48
Ford haugub kaa tahab saada uuesti elected. Tola... mis teeb koer elevandile.
dissatisfaction?04 Feb 2025 22:24
"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt," said the late Pierre Trudeau.

Trudeau utters his famous quote about living next to the U.S. being like "sleeping with an elephant." Aired March 25, 1969 on CBC Television News.

For history and perspective: “Sleeping with a very cranky elephant: The history of Canada-U.S. tensions”
dissatisfaction?04 Feb 2025 22:27
"Canadians: we're polite, we're reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around," said Trudeau." (2018)

Doug Ford is arguably neither polite nor reasonable; his relevant background, and its inadequacy, distilled in this quote and his recent capture on video: " 'Tom,' the high-volume hash dealer who admired Mr. Ford's ability to avoid scrutiny, also said he and Doug helped each other out during shortages. 'We had all figured out that that kept the cops away. 'Let's keep things low-profile. Why start fights? There's enough money in it for everybody.' And most people agreed with that. Once the fights start and the guns come out, then the cops will be in and it will ruin it for everybody."

Ford on video, Feb. 3 2025:
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: dissatisfaction? (22:24)
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