Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Kanada ja USA.
Mike Myers tegi oma miljonid USA s, mitte Kanadas, Yldse nàitlejad pangu oma suud kinni. Kanadas pole keegi, nàitlejad suuri rahasid teinud
Draama tegelane Trudeau on juba majanduse alla viinud ilma Trumpita!
Elon Muskilt ei saa keegi kodakondsust àra tyhistada.Kanadas elab palu terroriste, neid ei puutu keegi. Deported inimesed elavad Kanadas rahulikult. Carney on hullem Devil kui Trudeau. National Post hoiatas. Inglismaal toimepandud raha tehingud ja panga allakàik jne.
Olge valmis halvimaks
Mike Myers tegi oma miljonid USA s, mitte Kanadas, Yldse nàitlejad pangu oma suud kinni. Kanadas pole keegi, nàitlejad suuri rahasid teinud
Draama tegelane Trudeau on juba majanduse alla viinud ilma Trumpita!
Elon Muskilt ei saa keegi kodakondsust àra tyhistada.Kanadas elab palu terroriste, neid ei puutu keegi. Deported inimesed elavad Kanadas rahulikult. Carney on hullem Devil kui Trudeau. National Post hoiatas. Inglismaal toimepandud raha tehingud ja panga allakàik jne.
Olge valmis halvimaks
Carney ja Macron
Eelmise sajandi 30-ndatel küpses USA-s plaan ajada Inglise väed Kanadast välja. Kavandatu muutis ära alanud II maailmasõda.
to: meenutaja
Just a suggestion, if you are going to post something it might be advantageous to include your supporting research...
Just a suggestion, if you are going to post something it might be advantageous to include your supporting research...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: c'mon man... (19:46)
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: meenutaja (05:14), iirlane (09:00)
kanadalastel on võimalus... koos USga Kamtṣ̌akta poolsaar ära osta. 🇨🇦
Aga miks?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: c'mon man... (19:46), c'mon man (14:21)
Kahju, et Inglastest lahti ei saanud. Kanada maksis Inglismaale aasta kùmneid makse . USA oli vaba.Elu oli ilus 70 ndail kuni1989.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: meenutaja (05:14)
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: emr (23:53)
What is there to contemplate about MAID?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: c'mon man... (19:46), c'mon man (14:21), to: emr (14:07)
It seems that you have been following a VEMU guest lecturer and a self-proclaimed “expert” of misinformation and disinformation... without doing any research of your own.
If you had used any of the AI options to see how many years it would take for the USA to make Canada the 51st, your grandchildren just might witness the event... in a MINIMUM of TEN years!
The assumption that I used was based on a peaceful process, in that both countries were wanting and willing... democrat process of voting and negotiations.
Unfortunately there is so much misinformation and disingenuous rhetoric being spread by politicians on either side of the 49th ...
Trump is deflecting more important matters by mentioning the 51st State.
It seems that you have been following a VEMU guest lecturer and a self-proclaimed “expert” of misinformation and disinformation... without doing any research of your own.
If you had used any of the AI options to see how many years it would take for the USA to make Canada the 51st, your grandchildren just might witness the event... in a MINIMUM of TEN years!
The assumption that I used was based on a peaceful process, in that both countries were wanting and willing... democrat process of voting and negotiations.
Unfortunately there is so much misinformation and disingenuous rhetoric being spread by politicians on either side of the 49th ...
Trump is deflecting more important matters by mentioning the 51st State.