Leader: The hamburger standard
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
meat-eater (contrite variety)06 Jun 2004 12:09
I make a point of reading your well-articulated, informed commentary in both Estonian and English and, if I responded each time that I thought that your articles were praiseworthy, you'd hear from almost weekly. On this occasion, however, I'm writing because I take exception to your comments.

Like yourself, I feel some discomfort at the commercialization of the historic section of Tallinn. I wouldn't single out McDonald's, however, as the main villan in this scene. With respect to nutritional concerns, your complaint is with the hamburger, not with McDonald's. Among hamburgers, a McDonald's is a better choice than a "greasy spoon" burger. Moreover, McDonald's has healthy choices on its menu. I've no doubt that we would be healthier on a vegetarian diet although enforcing it by law would be a remedy worse than the vice.

The sight of "golden arches" in old Tallinn hardly inspires noble thoughts and sentiments, at least until I encounter the clubs that advertise a "nonstop striptiisshow", and "lesbishow". At that I feel a need more laws and police. Look at what they're doing to the language!
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