60 aastat tagasi Sinimägedes PM
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
eesti poeg.27 Jul 2004 10:23
Nagu teada, oli President Päts vabamüürlane. Selles seltskonnas liigub väga kõrgel tasemel informatsioon..mina isiklikult usun, et vabamüürlase kohuse truudus oma loodzile omab suuremat kaalu kui oma riigile....aga ka selle üle võidakse lõpmatuseni vaielda. Siiski, kui see vastab tõele, on väga tõenäoline, et Pätsil oleks pidanud olema mingid kindlamad aimdused oma riigi saatusest 1940a.....ka täpsemat infot kui ta kuulis tollastest Eestis julgeoleku organitest. Vabamüürlaste globaalsed huvid ja lausa imekspandavalt täpselt paika pandud tegevuse võrgustik vihjab selle organisatsiooni kohtrollile maailma poliitikas ja majanduslikus elus. Pätsi kuuluvust vabamüürlaste seltskonda ei kajastu igalt info allikalt välja, aga eks selle rühmituse kuuluvuse juuresoleva vajaduses ta nägi midagi olulisemat.....
Canadian Esto28 Jul 2004 06:36
The issues of Estonian WWII "Nazi collaborators" vs "freedom fighters" and its murky complexities need to be discussed more visibly in English and in more world media friendly ways than is currently being done. Perhaps the world is not really interested, but the only way that the historical record can be set straight and the propaganda of Moscow countered is to do so visibly and convincingly in ways which reach the attention of a larger audiance than can be done in Estonian.
The following is just a dream: Are there any talented novelists (i.e. a budding Hemigways)among estonians who could write an inspiring world class novel of the moral and political complexities of the eastern front during the second world war? (I realize such individuals are hard to come by). Many such novels exist for other aspects of the second world war. The horrors of the WW2 Holocost have been much popularized by many high quality novels and films However, few if any world class novels (which attract the attention of a wide international readership) have appeared depicting the baltic states. (I realize some novels have been written in Estonian an some have even been translated into English- ie. Arved Viiraid)-However they have failed to attract much real attention. Follow this up with a major high quality movie (i.e. like Schindler's list) and you have added a completely new dimention to the historic discussion. This scenario is of course highly unlikely, but one can dream.
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