Our President is about to be elected
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Transplanted American29 Oct 2004 10:06
Thank you for the excellent AND brief article.
Maksim.30 Oct 2004 13:47
Why on earth is there such a big hangup with Catholics? Why the push to keep them from power-where's the proof that conditions wouldn't be better if Catholics weren't to lead politically? Europe doesn't have half the hangups with Catholicism that English-speaking countries do. What's North America's problem?
sugulased USAs01 Nov 2004 09:20
Enamus USA Eestlasi, eriti vanemast generatsioonist, on registreeritud Republican erakonna liikmed. Nende hääled lähevad Republican erakonnale ükskõik kes selle eesotsas või mis nende platform on.
Suvel kui kohtasin sugulaste ja sõpradega USAs oldi väga anti-Kanada ja süüdistati et me (Kanadalased) oleme kõik liiga liberaalid.
Tänani Doonsbury koomik on väga hea:

Anonymous01 Nov 2004 15:32
and your point is???
sugulased USAs03 Nov 2004 06:41
My point is obviously mute!
Just venting!
(actually, my point is that people vote by party & don't necessarily look at what the issues are)
Someone who wrote into CNN online yesterday had a GREAT line – to paraphrase: “The US is so polarized the the magnets are popping off my fridge.”
Thank goodness the elections are over!
Sugulane USA's03 Nov 2004 19:48
Your comments about voting on the issues is exactly why Bush won. I presume you are living in Canada. Your "issues" are not necessarily the issues of the American voters. Canada was not attacked on 9/11 , US was. Even though a number of Canadians were killed at the WTC the Canadians take a different view of the attack. Another issue is, how would you like a Canadian traitor to become the next prime minister.
(This is in reference to Kerry's meetings in Paris in the early 70's) . As a Canadian you might not consider these as issues , but let me tell you a lot of Americans do. Bottom line Repulicans = small government , let the people decide. Democrats = large government to "control" people and tell them what they can and cannot do. It is as simple as that.
Maksim.04 Nov 2004 09:19
Because the Freemasons won the day anyway; they had candidates with tickets running both ways - or was it the same way - anyhow, Skull and Bones Lodge won it fair and square! It would be the sweetest irony if both Bush and Kerry actually attend the same lodge.......wouldn't it now.
interneti poeg04 Nov 2004 10:14

May I assume you're the same Maksim that commented regarding Mr. Bush (the "born-again" Eestlane in Ottawa via Hamilton?)

So what are trying to say? A big conspriacy regardless of who won? Next you'll be telling us the Estonian governement "invited" the Soviets to take over???? Time to get your Zoloft prescription filled!!
Maxim.04 Nov 2004 22:29
Sounds like you're also a freemason.....we all know in Estonia that thanks to the fact that Siim Kallas pushed for your symbol to go through on our 50 Kroon banknote, he now has the privilege of excercising personal power in the corridors of Brussels. I really think you need to get yourself better equipped on what really goes on "behind closed doors".
chameleon04 Nov 2004 14:37
yes it is all a big conspiracy . . . really no difference as to who won . . . money doesn't have loyalty to any national boundaries, witness american outsourcing . . . and the sacrifice of soldiers and citizens in the pursuit of banking and mutinational interests and globalization is just par for the course . . . eesti looses with kallas ready to play his only card = the financial sell out of eesti . . . but there may be a fly in this global ointment = china
Canadian04 Nov 2004 20:05
If I was in the US I would have voted for Bush. I hope that the majority of Americans understand that there are plenty of Canuks up here, wishing that our Prime Minister at that time, would have supported Bush in a more convincing manner. Thank God I'm also an Esto, at least Estonia stepped up to the task at hand.
War is always an ugly event that no one wants but often is unavoidable. To do nothing is worse.
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