Kaljo Raid 1921 - 2005
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Paul Lepik28 Jan 2005 17:46
Moletan Kalju Raid hasti. Kulastas minu isa Paul Lepik ja ema Erli Lepik Vancouveris tihti ule aastaid. Moletan teda hasti, vaga sobralik ja kena mees hea sudaga, nii moletan teda ule aastaid.

Kaastuneid ja Palved tema perele minu poolt,

Paul Lepik
Ülo Niinemägi29 Jan 2005 09:34
Aitäh Eesti Elu suurepärase fotoreportaazi eest üle Suure Jumalamehe ärasaatmisest.Oleme neil päevil Kodu-Eesti rahvaga Teie ligi hoidnud!Olen liigutatud ,et Te elu seal tehnika head sõna silmas pidades ikka mäest üles läheb.Oli tore näha vendi ja head ülevaadet toimunust!Olen südamest tänulik fotograafile ja tahan talle aitäh öelda.Tasemel fotod!Jumal teid kaitsku ja andku uusi sambaid Teie keskele. Parimate õnnistussoovidega ,vend Ülo Niinemägi Tallinnast.
Heino Promm03 Feb 2005 10:51
I came to know Kaljo 1963. The occasion was my dad’s visit from
Sweden to Toronto. It was my desire to bring my dad hear the
Gospel in Estonian Language. I called the church where Kaljo was the pastor.
He invited me and my dad to visit the church and from that time on
I had many contacts with Kaljo. Together we made visits to Estonians
outside of Toronto. I recall one of such visits.
To make the trip I asked him to come to our home were we would have lunch
before leaving. He came in and made himself at home. In the kitchen he looked
into the cupboards, I asked, what are you looking, he said “Do you not have
any peanut butter?” I found some and he made a sandwich for himself.
From that time we became good friends. He gave me opportunities
to speak at the church, and I in-turn came to appreciate his fellowship.
Through the work of our Lord Jesus Christ we were united into an eternal bond.
I will see him one day!

Heino Promm
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