Peaminister Juhan Partsi pöördumine kaasmaalaste poole laias ilmas, iseseisvuspäevaks 2005
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
A le Coq25 Feb 2005 12:19
Ma olen pidevalt maininud võimalust, et meie peaminister on Vene võimude marjonett. Näiteks läks kaduma mõni salajane dokument, mis on tema suhtes eriti kompromiteeriv. Näiteks riigikontrolöri teenistusaja kohta. Ja seepärast ta Ojulandi peale nii jõle pahane oligi. Nüüd aga on ta sunnitud tegema kõik, mis Venemaa käsib. Ja kindlasti on see ka Venemaa käsk pidevalt esineda Tartu rahu halvustavate kõnedega selleks väga kohatutel üritustel (Tartu rahu aastapäev, Vabariigi aastapäev jne.). Tegelikult teame me ju kõik, avratavati ka peaminister ise, et see ei oma mingit tähtsust, kas meil on võimalus Petserimaad tagasi saada, vaid see, kas Venemaal on võimalus meile ära teha. See on meie rahvuslik uhkus, mis on mängus ja Parts annab lihtsalt võimaluse Eesti rahvuslusele jalga %@!#$& virutada küsimata selle tsirkuse eest midagi vastu Eesti rahva jaoks. Meil ei ole mingit vajadust selle piirilepingu järgi, vajadus on selleks ainult peaministril endal, kelle itsimine tuline.
Lembit Lennuk01 Mar 2005 01:40
Pöördumisel piirileppe vastu üle 7000 allkirja
Seto Kongressi vanematekogu poolt jaanuari alguses vastu võetud avalikule pöördumisele, milles protesteeritakse katsete vastu loovutada piirileppega osa setude asumisalast Venemaale, on toetusallkirja andnud üle 7000 inimese. Toetusallkirja saab anda internetilehel, allkirju kogutakse ka paberil mitmel pool üle Eesti.
Lembit Lennuk01 Mar 2005 01:48
To the Parliament of the Estonian Republic
To the Government of the Estonian Republic
To the President of the Estonian Republic


Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia provides that the land, territorial waters and airspace of the Estonian state are an inseparable and indivisible whole.

According to Article 122 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, the land boundary of Estonia is determined by the Tartu Peace Treaty of 2 February 1920 and by other international boundary agreements.
The sea and air boundaries of Estonia shall be determined on the basis of international conventions.

All Seto Congresses that have been held since 1993 have considered it illicit to divide the primeval populated area of setos with the land boundary. The corresponding decision of the 6th Seto Congress states:

We protest against any attempt to change the state border between the Republic of Estonian and the Russian Federation in result of which the primeval populated areas of the setos are remised to Russia.

Any changes made to the border without approval of seto people and its representative body Seto Congress, are considered discrimination of seto people.

We do not agree to drawing the border in the middle of Setomaa.

In case it still happens against the will of setos, we demand that the question of free movement of setos on their native land, the question of social protection and property claims as well as other vital questions and human concerns will be solved on the basis of agreements between the Republic of Estonian and the Russian Federation.

Participation of the representatives of setos in the preparation of the relevant agreements is strictly necessary.

In case Estonia is accepted as a member to the EU and the intended border will become a border between the European Union and the Russian Federation, the question of free movement of setos on their native land has to be solved.

Senior Assembly of the 6th Seto Congress is continuously willing to participate in constructive actions in order to solve the problems both with the institutions of the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation, with a view to EU co-operation with the neighbouring areas and to any international public and good-neighbourly co-operation.

Senior Assembly of the 6th Seto Congress
3 January 2005
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