Letters to me son: Just doing my taxes
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anna Nüüm24 Apr 2005 08:35
I love it!!
Sounds just like me this past week!
To all the hard working accountants out there, THANK YOU and I'm truly sorry! I'll really, really try not to leave it to the last minute next year!
(What kind of an Esto am i? - Certainly not like my parents, who were meticulous & always early!)
Max U. Maxja24 Apr 2005 12:48
Right on, Dad! It's a pain in the neck to fill out the forms, but, there must be some humour at the end of the journey! What a shame, that the Libs are not as responsiblle as the average Joe who keeps track of all income....

PS - The ETCU's % on GICs could be a bit better, or does some one out there have any better investment suggestions???
Anna Nüüm25 Apr 2005 14:23
... but those of us who can't afford to invest in GICs get wonderful "bonus" cheques from our favorite financial institution, ETCU for the past couple of years!
Daniel Schaer27 Apr 2005 05:07
Then you all have to move to Estonia, where taxes are simple and transparent. Also, the majority of tax returns are done over the internet and tax returns are made in weeks. The tax rate is also flat at 24%.
Anna Nüüm27 Apr 2005 06:33
What are we doing here?
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