TEPP-i uudiseid
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
JK Slim02 Sep 2005 11:12
I thought "Dirty Harry" used a .357 Magnum?
Tõnu Jürvetson02 Sep 2005 21:49

Clint Eastwood kasutas Smith & Wesson 44 (44 magnum) filmis "dirty Harry"

In 1971 Clint Eastwood made a big move and switched genres from Westerns to make this unique cop story. And what a story! "Dirty Harry" soon became a household name along with all the famous lines that came from this first in the series. "Do you feel lucky? Well do ya Punk?" "This is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world. It'll blow your head clean off."

I Love that stuff,(can't ya just hear Clint saying that), and the taunting look he gives the recievers off these lines.
JK Slim03 Sep 2005 07:46
I stand corrected
Niisama03 Sep 2005 08:28
Kas ma eksin ?

(from IMDB trivia section)

Although Harry was supposed to use a S&W Model 29 .44 Mag, the actual gun used was the Model 25 in .45 Long Colt due to the availability of .45 blanks at the studio.
huviline03 Sep 2005 19:27
Kiire internet otsing toob esile mitmeid huvitavaid linke:

wondering04 Sep 2005 10:20
if these types of movies drive the criminal element to arm themselves with ever more powerful weapons ?
aino03 Sep 2005 10:45
Does the gun club meet during the winter too`? If so...details
Toomas Merilo04 Sep 2005 12:36
TEPP tegutseb [i]peamiselt[i] septembrist kuni juunini. Infot saadaval Markus Alliksaarelt:


Markus on TEPPi esimees.
Ants08 Sep 2005 17:01
We're you guys extras in the film "Deliverance"?
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