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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.19 Oct 2005 11:12
I don't know about you, but I've given up reading Russian newspapers a long time ago, and I strongly recommend others follow suit. The Estonian press has problems and biases of its own, but nowhere near as bad as in Russia.
Liver19 Oct 2005 11:29
Miks mitte eesti keeles ? Kas ei oska ?
Maxim.19 Oct 2005 11:59
Mjina vopola mjite nii hesti kui sjinu.
Maxim = untsakas hoopleja19 Oct 2005 12:33
We already know how you manage with English. Your Estonian is sure to be worse, (by a few orders of magnitude). Now, you are trying to tell us that you can read a Russian newspaper, and critically yet, as if you were so well-informed that you can detect bias. It's difficult to believe.
You're a clown, Maxim, and it's time that you left us alone. Get a job and make something of yourself.
to - Maximus ignoramus19 Oct 2005 19:10
After living in Estonia for several years, how is it that you haven't learned enough Estonian to respond to an Estonian newspaper article in Estonian?

You know exactly how many of us here in Canada can read a Russian newspapers. Yet, you strongly recommend that we stop reading them, as you have. Thanks for the advice, but I must tell you that it's gratuitous because we we don't know any more Russian than you do.
Maxim.20 Oct 2005 03:27
Read the comments again in order, and try convincing me that your tone of voice is more mild-mannered than mine. You're a complete hypocrite, and if you didn't know it before, at least you do now. And quite trying to muzzle people from contributing to this paper, just because their ideas don't mesh with yours. If you live in a better democracy than I do, you could at least prove it by showing a little more courteous behaviour yourself.
Maxim.20 Oct 2005 05:57
Maxim, multiculturalism has reduced this country to living by trubal instincts, so the comments from people who don't like you are not surprising. Unfortunately they reveal more about the real nature of the Estonian character, which always requires that you be jealous and fiercely untoward others, especially Russians. Stick to your guns and don't let these critics get to you.
Hey_Maxi20 Oct 2005 07:51
Sinul läks meelest ära vahetada oma neti varju nimi viimases kommis. Paistab et tuleb ise ennast kiita . Sinu ingliskeele oskus andis sind jälle ära, (fiercely untoward others). Vähemalt eestlane ütleb mis ta mõtleb , mitte nagu sina. Kanada eestlane on õppinud ära kohaliku keele, mitte nagu sina . Kanada eestlane ei trügi välismaa lehtedesse üles õhutama lugejaid , mitte nagu sina. Kanada eestlane tahab et eestimaa koolides käiks õppe emakeeles , mitte nagu sina . Kas saa aru ei ole veel saanud et keegi siin Kanadas ei kiida sind ja su ideesi ? Aga venelase jonn on ikka sees. Õhuta, õhuta, õhuta.
Vaatleja20 Oct 2005 11:44
Ma arvan et Maximile on sama palju õigust olla siin kui Sinulgi. Kui tema kommentaarid Sulle ei meeldi, ära neid loe! Miks sa lased ennast häirida tema pärast-vahel tal on ka midagi üsna huvitavat kirjutada, aga temasse suhtumine näitab vaid seda, et hoopis Sinus on probleem, mitte üldse temas. Ma ei näe et kommentaari pakkumine oleks kuidagi seotud välismaa lehtedesse sissetungimisega. Mida see õieti tähendab? Tundub et teil on lihtsalt teatud isiksuste vastu nii tugev eelarvamus, aga ise pole nii psüholoogiliselt niivõrd arenenud et seda endale üles tunnistada. Tead mis-see on väike Napoleoni kompleks-ma soovitaksin Sulle sellest kiiresti lahti saada!
Maxim.20 Oct 2005 12:22
I really do appreciate your genuine concern and impassioned efforts to rid me from this site. However, if it wasn't for the already strong following I have here, and the commitment to speak the truth in the face of your lies, then my mission would be accomplished. Maybe one day I will be gone from here, but until then I'm staying because I don't like personal attacks where they are unjustified. Your filthy personal slander at my expense is not a pretty picture in print, but I will make every effort to redress the situation. Like most slavs, we're in it for the long haul-and a long one it looks to be.
What truth, Maxim?22 Oct 2005 08:23
You came here with some advice for us -- that we should stop reading Russian newspapers, just as you have.
Where's the truth in that?
Maxim.22 Oct 2005 10:33
The answer is simple-the truth is the opposite to your lies! You lie and fabricate stupid notions of me and others who you find intolerable, yet you fail to see the other side. And incidentally, hasn't it occurred to you that you can read Russian newspapers in English? It's as simple as 1,2,3. Push the key and find out for yourself. Better luck next time round.
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