The Museum of Occupations
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Reader22 Oct 2005 15:53
Mr. Bush is needlessly worried about how American tourists would view an Estonian defending Estonia being awarded the German Knights Cross against the invading Russians. After all, almost across the street is a monument honoring the Russian occupants who murdered 100 million East Europeans. I think educated Americans would be far more mystified by Estonians allowing that monument to remain standing.
Another reader23 Oct 2005 15:39
You make a good point. You should be more specific, however, in identifying the victims as victims of communism. Russians were the first victims of communism and eastern Europe the second.
The 100-million figure that you mention is probably too high, even if Russians are included. Solzhenitsyn (as good an authority as any) estimates the victims to be 60-million, (Russians included). At the moment, no one knows although the answer probably could be found with years of work in Soviet archives.
Do we really need to know the figure with precision? Personally, I'd be satisfied if the world recognized communism as having more victims than every other "ism" combined.
As Estonians, we shouldn't forget that a few of the communist moral-monsters were also Estonian or that, today, you can find 30 or 40 people in Tallinn willing to pay homage to the Tõnismäe pronks sõdur.
Maxim.24 Oct 2005 08:47
The museum of occupation is one of those buildings in Tallinn whose function has the least impact on local Estonians-and Russians. While the situation in Tõnismäe remains as precarious as it is, there is very little likelihood in a change of attitude towards those who donned the German uniform in WW 2. And whilst there is such incredible sucking up to Russia on the part of the EU, I very much doubt any official from the EU is likely to set a foot through the door of that anti-Russian establishment.Please correct me if I'm wrong..
Jack24 Oct 2005 23:44
Maxim, one thing: just tell your friend in Moscow that the day they will apologize for the occupation, like Germany did, then no anti-russian feeling will remain. And as far as I am cincerned, this occupation didnt bring anything good for Estonia so I can understand them.

To the author of the article, you mention a lot the fact that you encounter Russians who doesnt speak estonian. Living in Canada, I hope that now, you understand why Quebecers get angry about english-people living in Quebec without speaking french. Thats same situation
Maxim.25 Oct 2005 09:29
Jack, for one thing it's a little outdated these days to get angry only with Russia. The fact is that today Estonians more than ever before in the past year, are realizing the enormous risk to their safety if the Europan Union desires to continue to put a high price on keeping Russia on side. Any embittered feelings about Russia are quickly being projected onto the EU, since it won't be long before dual-language laws and other interesting stress factors will once again become the everyday lot of Estonians. Better get used to seeing more Cyrillic on the streets of Tallinn, and no doubt that will contribute to a significant easing of pressure on slavs to learn the local language.
Canadian25 Oct 2005 10:47
You are obviously not Canadian and don't have first-hand knowledge of Quebec and its issues.
Canada was "founded" by the French AND the English. Throughout Canada's short history, both English and French speakers have lived in Quebec. It isn't the same as Eesti AT ALL!
It isn't as though the French were there first and the English came and didn't bother to learn the language. I think you would be hard pressed to find a Quebecer who is NOT bilingual.
In fact, most educated Canadians anywhere in Canada have at least a minimal functional literacy in the other official language (be it English or French).
Jack25 Oct 2005 23:53
Dream my friend, dream. Even soviet communist couldnt help people dreaming :)
Jack25 Oct 2005 23:59
I didnt see many bilingual english-canadian outside Quebec and I had the feeling that Quebecers are second zone citizens outside Quebec. If you would understand both language as I did, you would see your perception is wrong. And yes, it is the same that Estonia because when you live in a place where, in this example, french is the main language, you have to learn it. Just a matter of respect. Thats why I understand Quebecers that want independance and knowing what happened with the referendum there and your political scandal I dont remember the name, I fully support them. But back in the subject, in Estonia, many Russians didnt do learn estonian and in Quebec, those bilingual english-canadian living there dont bother to use french because, as Russian here, they impose their language to the majority. So yes the situation is the same unlike your pretentions
Maxim.26 Oct 2005 11:56
There's no dreaming required when Estonia is going down the gurgler even without any pushing whatsoever from the Russians. All it takes is for Russia and the EU to agree to implement two languages of equal national status, which will be conditional and binding to any border agreement, and then anything the like of dreamers like you will be history. However, the only difference is that whilst you won't have much pressure to learn French, most Estonians are going to feel the pinch in the service industry when Russians will begin to refuse to serve Estonians in their native language and there isn't a thing anyone will be able to do about it. If you voted for the Estonia's unequivocable admission to the EU, then you are soon going to realize what a HUGE mistake that was to be. Where's NATO now, for example? Where's the EU standing up supposedly in it's own border interests? And you call me a dreamer? Dream on yourself!!!
Karlssohn26 Oct 2005 12:48
Jack; admit it-you're a fellow traveller from back in the heydays when communists had banners flying on every street corner. The other name for people like you is "useful idiots".
Jack26 Oct 2005 21:27
HAHAHA! Sorry I should have called you FRUSTRATED :). Thanks you made my day. MAke me laugh again HAHAHA!
Maxim.27 Oct 2005 05:32
Good Jack; you've revealed yourself for what you are, and I don't think anyone is going to take your comments seriously. I often get beaten over the head in EEfor the fact that one of my parents is Russian, but that doesn't stop me fighting for the rights of Estonians in Estonia. If any ideal that aims to improve the lot of Estonians brings only brings out another reason for you to snigger about, then taking you seriously in the future will be that much more difficult for readers. But you're the one digging your own grave, so take the pleasure of lying in it as well!
Canadienne27 Oct 2005 06:34
J'habit en Ontario, mais je parle francais une peux. C'est passable!
Mon Canada, s'inclus Quebec!
Mes files ont totallement billangue - non - trilangue - ils parlent Estonienne aussi...
Nous sommes citoyenne du monde.
(vabandage pahasti kirjutatud prantsuse keelt - aga fakt ON et enamus kanadalasi saavad prantsuskeeles hakkama - mitte perfektselt, aga saavad hakkama - umbes nagu sinu - Jack - ebakorektne ingliskeel)
to - Maxim27 Oct 2005 15:07
You have been criticized in EE often and sharply, but never because one of your parents is Russian.
Most of the criticism has been directed to your ungrammatical English which invites ridicule upon your intellectual pretensions.
Maxim the real one06 Nov 2005 03:22
You are quiet idiot yourself. If I could, I would deport you myself to your own country. But we are civilised here, so we support you and even allow you to stay here without knowledge of estonian. But if you want to move elsewhere... please do.
JK Slim11 Nov 2005 06:36
Maxim - da reel won

hoo u r dooking bot? mii oar da udder Maxim? right bak hookay?
.27 Oct 2005 15:17
When it comes to ungrammatical English, Maxim (almost unbelievably) has a competitor in the form of Jack.

What a sad sight. Why are high school teachers paid so much?
to all27 Oct 2005 16:04
the best way to understand maxim's thinking would be to share a bottle of viru valge with him in eesti
Maxim.28 Oct 2005 03:07
I'm at least glad to note that the most stark contrast in my comments v's my opponents is their rage about my language, yet absolutely no contribution or sentiment about what really goes on in the country of their ancestors(if indeed Estonia could be proven to be the country of their ancestors). If even young Russians can be made Estonian patriots, where on earth have you jumped off the bus??? And what's all this ha-hhaaaa business-is it all part of your keep smiling North American wayt of life???????
JK Slim31 Oct 2005 08:01
Maxim - What was you longest time in Canada or the US?

Whatza 'ell do u last post tryn two zhay?? parhaps you kood lern how to speekada hanglish beefour u right? hookay?
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