The double-edged sword of Islam
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Peter28 Oct 2005 15:31
Islam, unlike communism, is not an unrealistic political experiment but a stable cultural, political, economic, religious and social system that has lasted for over a thousand years. Unless there is a total awakening and radical rethinking of the Western world's strategy for the future, the triumph of Islam over the West is inevitable.

Maxim.29 Oct 2005 01:36
Peter, I don't think stable is the right word in the 1,000 year life of Islam. I agree with you that there have been a number of high moments in Islamic Civilisation (as Bernard Lewis has all but made clear to any interested reader), but the fruits of that high culture are not the ones we a likely going to experience in the 21st Century. Rather, I suspect there is so much pent-up animosity against the West that is itself rooted much like a "fifth column"-to use an old communist adage-within the western world, that this is the most likely enemy within our midst for whom to be on the lookout.
Peter29 Oct 2005 02:41
What I meant by "stable" is that unlike communism, Islam as a political system has lasted in many countries for over 1500 years.
While Islamic civilization has contributed much (astronomy, mathematics, etc.) to world civilization, they are at this time in history barbarians at our gates and because of our insane leftist immigration policies a dangerous fifth column as well.
The West has abandoned Christianity and every form of traditional morality and the sad effects of this new liberal thinking can be seen in Canada more than anywhere else. The biggest problem that this decadence has caused is our ever declining birthrate which if it continues will assure the death of our civilization and the triumph of Islam, possibly in the very near future.

Maxim.30 Oct 2005 05:26
The biggest problem with Islam is the month-long Ramadan fast. It isn't only a food fast, it is an outright physical fast! And for many a young aggressive muslim this is really a month of hell!! I would like to see some form of analysis done statistically, as to what degree Ramadan may contribute to the number of children born 9-11 months after that time. I suspect that the promise of beautiful women and wine in exchange for co-opting in some destructive form of martyrdom is quite enough to coerce many a young muslim to go for it!
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