Mart Nutt: EN raport seob Eesti venelaste mured okupatsiooniga ETV24
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous22 Feb 2006 12:32
We need to recognise the reality of discrimination against Russians in all walks of Estonian life. Here in Canada it's hardly recognizable, but in Estonia it is a growing problem. And therefore the justification in the report for Estonia's lack of attention to the problem.
Anonymous22 Feb 2006 13:29
The last sentence in the above posting makes absolutely no sense at all. Is that you Maxim?
Peter23 Feb 2006 05:14
After reading this article I have come to the conclusion that Nutt is a nut.
#¤%=26 Feb 2006 10:11
Seda ilusat juttu lugedes tuleb lõpuks nutt ka peale.
jn25 Feb 2006 01:58
We don't have to be worried about the existence of russian community in Estonia. There are more than 100 million russians in the world. Moving to Estonia during the Soviet occupation and staying here after the restoration of independence is their own decision. They should thank us that we are not like Caucasians or Central Asians - otherwise they had to escape from Estonia as soon as possible :P
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