Interpreting Estonia’s recent history
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.20 Jan 2008 04:42
Most former communists have managed to turn a new leaf largely due to the availability of avoiding the process of Lustration, which took place in formerly Czechoslovakia under Vaclav Klaus. He insisted on the process. In Estonia Vaino Väljas didn't get that far, and once Meri became President, the Freemasons began conducting their affairs in Estonia under the auspices of their Finnish counterparts. MOST FORMER COMMUNISTS NOW BELONG TO A MASONIC LODGE. Whether this is just pure coincidence, I will leave readers to decide for themselves. Suffice to say, Tallinn Airport and Harbour are strongly in the hands of the Freemasons, as is the banking system (thanks to Siim Kallas and the now infamous 50 kroon bill). Köörna wants us to believe that it is mostly for goodwill that the Freemasons conduct their affairs in Estonia, but the door to their activity was initially kicked open by US businessmen Armand Hammer, who organized for former USSR Ambassador in the US, Anatoli Dobrynin, to become the first citizen of the USSR to join a Masonic Lodge. From there it has just been downhill all the way.
Yup23 Jan 2008 14:23
Maxim congratulations, you got this one right !
You should be writing a regular column in Eesti Elu.
iluminaadi23 Jan 2008 19:40
Anonymous20 Jan 2008 04:59
Now why would EKN get involved with translating this article into English ? At first plush , pink is pink. Is someone trying to justify something ? Makes me wonder.
to anonymous21 Jan 2008 15:11
Methinks Anonymous has had a little too many prews.
Anonymous22 Jan 2008 13:21
Pray tell us what "prews" is/are ?
parsely23 Jan 2008 10:57
And I want to know what is this "bink"? or do certain Anonymous online newsbaber commentators have some sort of infallibility comblex?
Anonymous23 Jan 2008 22:47
Maxim, you ridiculous buffoon. Armand Hammer died in 1990 at 92 years of age. In the last years of his life, he didn't organize much of anything, much less the Masonic take-over of Estonia.
So, you think that you should be a regular columnist at EE. Well, why hasn't it happened? Tell us about it, Maxim. We think that you are stupid and mentally troubled. No doubt, you have a different view. Let's hear about it.
Maxim.23 Jan 2008 23:48
We're talking about Armand Hammer doing a deal with Dobrynin in the late 1970's, if you only knew your history a little better. No one is denying that Hammer is no longer among the living, but he achieved an awful lot before then. Thanks for your comment, but I think you missed to point, largely because you were more interested in attacking me personally rather than getting your facts right.
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