The year 2010 and VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
papa jansen31 Dec 2010 13:46
All right, don't hold us in journalistic suspense. By whom?

"many efforts were made to not only suppress but also cancel its premiere at the last ESTO held in Münster."

There is a story here that is being supressed too.
mamma koidula31 Dec 2010 14:05
Figure it out with your high wattage brain cells. Does everything need to spelled out in this tweeting age? LOL and otsa, TBDCE
mamma31 Dec 2010 15:44
Ja vabanadan, et ma varem ei märganud keelelibastust - kui see oli libastus, ei tea, ehk hariduse puudus, aga kes meist enam igat asja mäletab. Kuid Papa Johann Voldemar Jannsen - nota bene, kahe "n"iga, kes rajas järjepideva eesti ajakirjanduse - oleks olnud vist äärmiselt pettunud, kui ta nimi oleks trükis vääriti ilmunud. Ning nüüd on internetis oma sõnu tahtes näha kehv kommentaator, kel puudub haridus, seda teinud. Oh puhake Vändra rahvas, ka need lollid hävivad....
RJ01 Jan 2011 21:21
Thank you for not translating the Estonian article. The author has clearly decided to use this webpage to satisfy personal vendettas and misrepresent them as "community issues." The paranoid conspiracy theories that are advertised in the piece can only help to accelerate the decline of this community. It's rather sad that this webpage has become a place for divisive community politics for a small cabal, instead of what it was originally intended to be: a place for constructive, objective information.
Peep01 Jan 2011 21:53
The author is claiming ownership of the newspaper and website as seen in this article on

"One of the attendees, Vaado Sarapuu, is the owner of the largest overseas Estonian newspaper “Eesti Elu,” and an internet news service, mainly for overseas Estonians. Vaado published several pro-bono advertisements and articles for us."

I wonder how the Tartu College directors feel about this? I wonder how other advertisers feel about this?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: RJ (21:21)
*02 Jan 2011 14:02
Thanks RJ!
I'm looking forward to your web site where there will be "constructive, objective information"
Ülo Peirumaa02 Jan 2011 23:46
On ülimalt kahetsusväärne, et Eesti Elu veebileht, mida loeme siin Eestis alati suurima huviga eriti selle objektiivse info ja huvitavate artiklite tõttu, on nüüd teadlikult asunud vaenu õhutamise teele kodu- ja välis-Eesti suhetes, tuues ettekäändeks kirikute ühinemise fakti ning soovitab edaspidi avaldada sahinaid, mis pole ju tegelikult muud kui kuulujutud ja kollased uudised. See artikkel on ka nii segaselt kirjutatud ja ebamäärane, et ei saagi aru, mis sellega tahetakse öelda või keda süüdistada.
To Peep03 Jan 2011 10:30
Illai Muul made an error in his artice. Vaado Sarapuu is the editor of the online Eesti Elu. He has never claimed to be the owner of the print newspaper Eesti Elu - Estonian Life.
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