Ühiskontserdilt akadeemilise segakoor ÖÖBIK JÕULUTERVITUS VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
This smells!12 Dec 2014 10:39
If she was sincere, she would have tried to stop the hooligans who tried to trash the place.
Shame on her!
.13 Dec 2014 07:39
Rosie posted an announcement on Ehatare's bulletin board, one day, stating that she would no longer perform some of her duties there. The residents thought that was her letter of resignation. The management thought that was gross insubordination and fired her, as any other would.
Rosie then launched a lawsuit, demanding a devastating sum of money, on the grounds that Ehatare is incompetently and irrationally managed, even though that's hardly against the law.
Rosie's Statement of Claim against Ehatare is a public document which makes for hilarious reading. Her lawyer certainly didn't have much input there.
Simultaneously, a bitter civil war broke out in the Estonian community, which pitted fans of choral music against Ehatare's management and residents. No dirty trick was left unemployed. All were unethical; some of them were illegal. Eesti Elu was willfully blind to the matter.
An attempt was made to topple Ehatare's Board of Directors so that Rosie could be reinstated.
This dragged on for three years and, all the while, Ehatare's management was paralysed in fear.
Recently, an out of court settlement was signed. The details remain confidential. Ehatare isn't bankrupt, so we can assume that Rosie didn't get what she asked for.
After all this, Rosie is wishing Ehatare well!
It makes me think that she just might be the biggest hypocrite since Tartuffe.
Ööbik sounds good!13 Dec 2014 11:31
The men have to punch above their weight class and they manage. Good for them.
T13 Dec 2014 14:01
It was EWR who provoked the church scrap and pushed the Ehatare one. Disgusting that they claim to be the community's voice with all the damage it's done.
to T13 Dec 2014 14:46
I believe that you are mistaken.
EWR remained neutral, as Eesti Elu took a side in the assault on Ehatare.
what?13 Dec 2014 17:10
You have made 3 interesting claims in your short post:
1. EWR provoked church scrap
2. EWR pushed Ehatare scrap
3. EWR claims to be community's voice

Can you back up any of your claims?
to Rosie14 Dec 2014 06:03
The Estonian word for 'fake' is 'kunst'.
Let it go, Rosie!16 Dec 2014 07:11
Just when we thought that the "Ehatare affaire" was finally over, you re-open that can of worms at an event that has nothing to do with Ehatare.
After all the harassment, hazing, threats and sabotage that has been done in your name at Ehatare, not even your family and friends can believe that you wish Ehatare well.
So, either let it go or, ask your lawyer to request that all files related to your case be opened to the public!
ERC18 Dec 2014 20:04
The Ehatare management and the ERC Board wish to unequivocally state that none of the preceding comments have come from any member of the Ehatare management team or the Board.
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