TERENDAV TEGELIKKUS – Jüri Lina: kahjulikud lisaained toidus TTV VIDEO
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lisna15 Jan 2015 13:09
.15 Jan 2015 15:24
Maxine de la Trine gets much of his "secret info" from Jüri Lina, who gives gullibility a new meaning.
Check out LIna's web site. It's good for a laugh!
sheriff16 Jan 2015 15:04
What a pretentious bore!18 Jan 2015 14:37
What does Jüri Lina have by way of education?
For decades he has exposed "secret" conspiracies known only to kooks.
Now, he is going on about nutrition.
How does he earn his daily bread? Who takes him seriously?
to Mr. Pretentious Bore20 Jan 2015 09:23
"For decades he has exposed "secret" conspiracies known only to kooks."

Hmmm, sounds like you should be thanking Jüri Lina if he made you more aware of the world scene by exposing 'secret' conspiracies that few know about. Better to be a kook, than a lemming.
Curious20 Jan 2015 09:42
If kooks like Lina, Maxim, among others, know all about the conspiracies, how can you call them "secret"?
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