3 Orgs Application for 9 Madison
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
another observer20 Apr 2018 08:30
What is this article trying to say? These are two different sites with two separate entities trying to accomplish their own goals. Madison goals are pursued by the Future Estonian house, 958 Broadview portion is being pursued by the Purchaser of that property. ETCU has abandoned plans to relocate in 11 Madison and is being purchased from them as part of the lot for the future Estonian House. This is common knowledge which has been discussed in every update meeting at the Estonian house. I am confused by the point of this article, maybe clarify?
Hmm20 Apr 2018 09:19
This is pretty weird, because the EM shareholders have been told that the board is still in the process of 'due diligence', which was for determining if selling off the Estonian house and constructing a new building on Madison Avenue is feasible. We got the impression that the community consultations are not complete, they want to hire a parking consultant to figure out the parking situation in the area, and the funding is not secured.

So the application mentioned in this article indicates that they are jumping the gun and the 'due diligence' process was misrepresented to the shareholders.
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