The International Estonian Center Has Been Named "KESKUS"
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
golfer30 Mar 2021 07:07
Don't confuse ground breaking with actual construction. Groundbreaking is a PR exercise with smiling people wearing hard hats and shovels in hand.
Cart before the horse30 Mar 2021 09:03
It's a little early for a nickname. "Kes?Kus?" sobivam kuni maja ehitatud.
!30 Mar 2021 15:06
"“750 members of the global Estonian community and beyond” were consulted about it."

Obviously not intended for locals
Eesti Elu commentary?30 Mar 2021 20:33
Does anyone know why Eesti Elu does not allow comments on any articles about this new center or stories that mention this person who seems to be the spokesman, Ellen Valter?
rkomendant@studiok.ca02 Apr 2021 17:10
No Commentary from Eesti Elu? I know why, they are living in some parallel Universe of their own design and they have never read KANADA's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Paragraph 2 (Fundamental Freedoms) part (b)freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication . . . oops, hold on a minit here, this second bit, what kind of culture, nay, "persons" muzzles free speech. Scary times indeed for some/not all, Toronto Estonians.
No one02 Apr 2021 18:59
Perhaps the esti elu might have free space
A SHAME!04 Apr 2021 12:43
Eesti Elu is honest by not providing a space for comments on every article. That's a right called 'editorial priviledge'.
It stands as a sharp and shameful contrast the policy at EWR, where commentary is invited, but disappears if the name Allan Meiusi appears in it!
Kes?Kus?31 Mar 2021 06:48
A good moniker/epithet for this financial black
hole. Probably another name change will come from the 750 global Estonian community.
To !31 Mar 2021 07:03
Get over it!
From the sidelines01 Apr 2021 17:32
Yup, this KESKUS facility is definitely not for the Toronto Estonian locals, but instead for the Global international business and political movers and shakers. Don't we just love change!
geography review02 Apr 2021 10:23
global includes Canada and thereby Toronto
Hey Rita02 Apr 2021 17:39
Crawl back into your cage. We were enjoying the quiet.
rkomendant@studiok.ca03 Apr 2021 11:20
Hey AH, take it outside, I know who you are!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: (17:10)
*03 Apr 2021 18:05
rkomendant sounds like a threat?
Thank you EWR !13 Apr 2021 19:23
I am an Eesti Elu subscriber , who also enjoys reading EWR. It seems IEC updates in Eesti Elu and on IEC's website fail to include essential facts surrounding the KESKUS - important info that we should know and be concerned about. Sometimes what is left unwritten is more important than what is provided. EWR provides the missing that's real journalism !
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